
Part of:
Wellcome Historical Medical Museum and Library
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Contains: 269 images

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Works in this archive created by or for Henry Wellcome or the Wellcome organisation are available under a CC-BY license. Please be aware that works in this archive created by other organisations and individuals are not covered under this license, and you should obtain any necessary permissions before copyright or adapting any such works.

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'Presentations'. In copyright. Source: Wellcome Collection.

About this work


Acknowledgements and thanks to donors of objects, books and publications.

Persons or organisations featured in this material include:

Adam; C

Almond; AG

American Museum of Natural History [Gudger; EW]

Anti-Malaria Commission

American Pharmaceutical Association [Eberle; EC]

Badcock; JH

Bailliere Tindall & Cox

Bardeleben; W

Blaringhem; L

Breuer; J

British Empire Leprosy Relief Association

Brown; JNE

Burr; M

Caney; V

Cart; Prof

Cash; LD

Cassina; U

Chocqueil; A

Columbia University

Cooper; AJB

Crow; WB

Cruttwell; HA

Denninger; HS

Drew; HG

Drewitt; FD

England; JW

Faucci; U

Garrod, Miss[Garrod Thomas, Dr]

Geyer; E

Hayman; JR

Hebrew University [Magnes; JL]

Hiranandani; KM

Howatt; J

Howat; WH

Institution of Electrical Engineers

Kampmeier; OF

Koloniaal Instituut; Amsterdam

Laboratoires Dausse; Paris

Larkey; SV

Leicester Museum and Art Gallery

Lint; JG de

Lowe; EE

Maas; V

Marshall; H

Martinez; MM

Mets; A de

Morley; H

Mott; Lady GA

National Museum of Antiquities, Edinburgh [Callander, JG]

National Museum of Ireland

Omand; T

Pailsey Abby [Brown; H]

Pennsylvania Department of Health

Rhodes; HE

Rochester Museum of Arts and Sciences [Ritchie; WA]

Rolleston; Sir Humphrey

Simpson; M

Tweedie; E Alec

Sanarelli; G

Shackleton; AV

Sharpe; S

Thaller; L

Thomas; Miss

Thornton; F

Tsykalas; Dr

Van Gils; JBF

Vilhena; H de

Ware; WT

Williams; HU

Wood; RJ

The World's Children



Physical description

1 file

Acquisition note


Where to find it

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    Closed stores

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