Acknowledgements and thanks to donors of objects, books and publications.
Persons or organisations featured in this material include:
Adam; C
Almond; AG
American Museum of Natural History [Gudger; EW]
Anti-Malaria Commission
American Pharmaceutical Association [Eberle; EC]
Badcock; JH
Bailliere Tindall & Cox
Bardeleben; W
Blaringhem; L
Breuer; J
British Empire Leprosy Relief Association
Brown; JNE
Burr; M
Caney; V
Cart; Prof
Cash; LD
Cassina; U
Chocqueil; A
Columbia University
Cooper; AJB
Crow; WB
Cruttwell; HA
Denninger; HS
Drew; HG
Drewitt; FD
England; JW
Faucci; U
Garrod, Miss[Garrod Thomas, Dr]
Geyer; E
Hayman; JR
Hebrew University [Magnes; JL]
Hiranandani; KM
Howatt; J
Howat; WH
Institution of Electrical Engineers
Kampmeier; OF
Koloniaal Instituut; Amsterdam
Laboratoires Dausse; Paris
Larkey; SV
Leicester Museum and Art Gallery
Lint; JG de
Lowe; EE
Maas; V
Marshall; H
Martinez; MM
Mets; A de
Morley; H
Mott; Lady GA
National Museum of Antiquities, Edinburgh [Callander, JG]
National Museum of Ireland
Omand; T
Pailsey Abby [Brown; H]
Pennsylvania Department of Health
Rhodes; HE
Rochester Museum of Arts and Sciences [Ritchie; WA]
Rolleston; Sir Humphrey
Simpson; M
Tweedie; E Alec
Sanarelli; G
Shackleton; AV
Sharpe; S
Thaller; L
Thomas; Miss
Thornton; F
Tsykalas; Dr
Van Gils; JBF
Vilhena; H de
Ware; WT
Williams; HU
Wood; RJ
The World's Children