Government reports, debates and inquiries and related correspondence
- Date:
- 1984-2011
- Reference:
- SA/NCT/E/4/4
- Part of:
- National Childbirth Trust (NCT)
- Archives and manuscripts
About this work
Includes correspondence on House of Commons debate on women's issues, Feb 1998; correspondence with the Coalition for Child Benefit; "Equal Opportunities Commission Consultation: equality in the 21st century, a new approach"; North West Thames Regional Health Authority, "Regional Strategy: towards a strategy for maternity and neonatal services", 1984; NCT, "Preparing for Birth and Parenting: report on first time mothers and fathers attending NCT antenatal courses", 2011; Breastfeeding: beyond the barriers, conference report, 2003; BSi consumer reports, 1989-1990; NCT Policy on the Family; Associate Parlimentary Group on Parenting correspondence; correspondence with DoH on healthy living centres, 1998; NCT position on parental leave; "The Future of the Family", NCT response to government discussion paper, "Parenting", 1997, and related correspondence; correspondence with DHSS re Welfare to Work budget, 1997. Also includes other correspondence with charities, government departments and other individuals concerning maternity issues and campaigning areas, and related papers and reports.
Physical description
1 file (in 2 parts)
Where to find it
Location Status Access Closed stores