Breastfeeding Promotion Group (BPG)
- Date:
- 1973-c.1995
- Reference:
- SA/NCT/D/2
- Part of:
- National Childbirth Trust (NCT)
- Archives and manuscripts
Collection contents
About this work
The Breastfeeding Promotion Group (BPG) was established in 1967 to train breastfeeding counsellors and promote breastfeeding through informed support for new mothers. The Group actively promotes the implementation of the WHO code on breastmilk substitution, and promotes breastfeeding through the provision of breastfeeding information, encouragement and support for parents antenatally and postnatally. The Group was responsible for the training of Breastfeeding Counsellors through National and Local Tutors. All Breastfeeding Counsellors had breastfed at least one child, usually for at least six months. Counsellors attended antenatal classes to provide basic information to parents about starting and continuing breastfeeding.
Physical description
10 files and 1 chart