Health Committee Inquiry into Maternity Services correspondence and related papers
- Date:
- 1988-1992
- Reference:
- SA/NCT/E/4/5
- Part of:
- National Childbirth Trust (NCT)
- Archives and manuscripts
About this work
Papers and correspondence regarding NCT's submission to the House of Commons Health Committee's Inquiry into Maternity Services, as well as other NCT papers and correspondence. Includes evidence submitted by NCT; responses to the report; NCT maternity services survey results; RCOG, RCM, RCGO, "Maternity Care in the New NHS: a joint approach"; NCT summary of findings from the Maternity Services Report; guide to the Winterton Report; resume of Government response to the Winterton report, and other related articles, papers and correspondence. Also includes NCT People on Outside Bodies report on 1988 activities; two lectures given at GDR centenary, 1990, and other NCT papers.
Physical description
1 file (in 2 parts)
Where to find it
Location Status Access Closed stores