Diversity Working Group
- Date:
- 2009-2010
- Reference:
- SA/NCT/D/9
- Part of:
- National Childbirth Trust (NCT)
- Archives and manuscripts
Collection contents
About this work
The Diversity Working Group was established in 2009 to help increase the diversity of parents accessing NCT services, ensuring that the information, support and services provided by the organisation are inclusive and accessible to a broad audience. The Group included a Diversity Advisory Group (DAG) which represented parents from a range of backgrounds, and specialist workers with experience of diversity-related work, and representatives from all NCT departments. Members were also selected to provide a wide geographical representation across the UK and to reflect different roles and activities within the NCT. The group aimed to represent young parents, parents on low income, fathers, parents from ethnic minority groups, lone parents, LGBT parents, parents with a disability or a child with a disability. The Working Group developed the NCT's "Diversity Monitoring Policy and Procedures" and developing an NCT programme for Diversity and Access to Services.
Physical description
5 files