The correspondents are:
Jeffrey C Hall, Armand Hammer (Cancer Workshop on Transformation, 12-15 November, 1979, Salk Institute), Dr Kenneth R Hammond, Leslie A Hart, Dr Michael H Hart, Dr Reimar Hartge, Professor Erich Harth, Professor Sir William Hawthorne (Churchill College Collection of Art), John Hayes (National Portrait Gallery), Professor Robert H Haynes, Dr K M Heilman, Hellenic Anticancer Institute ("I do not accept positions on Editorial Boards"), Dr Anita Hendrickson, Professor J Hermon-Taylor, Dr Ira Herskowitz, Dr Donal Hickey, Dr R Hide (Royal Society Club Anniversary Dinner), Dr Geoffrey Hinton, Dr Mahlon Hoagland, Sir Alan Hodgkin (Crick proposing Hubel, Wiesel and Sperry for 1981 Nobel Prize), Dr Robin Holliday, Dr W Honig ("I never serve on Editorial Boards"), Professor Robert C Hopkins, Dr D H Huang, William B Humes, Professor John A Hunt, and Professor Sir Andrew Huxley.