Envoice books
- Date:
- 1936-1959
- Reference:
- Part of:
- Wellcome Historical Medical Museum and Library
- Archives and manuscripts
Collection contents
About this work
Small notebooks of perforated tear slips and carbonated copy pages. Each page records: date, object [description], price, acquired from, particulars, destination. In most cases the only carbon page copy remains in the book, top copy was torn out to accompany the object to the accession department. A running reference number is stamped on each page, in some cases the accession number is also written.
Examples of some completed top sheets can be found in several books; book '4501-4600' [Env/42] consists of unused slips, showing the page layout.
Although some grouping of objects entered in the books is evident, many books contain a great variety of objects. Descriptions are given here where grouping is discernible. The number refers to the running reference page numbers.