- Date:
- April 1977-January 1979
- Reference:
- WTI/LEP/G/1/1/2
- Part of:
- LEPRA (formerly The British Leprosy Relief Association, now LEPRA Health in Action)
- Archives and manuscripts
About this work
Members of (45, 55-56, 60): Dr.Colin McDougall (55-56, 58, 90); Dr. R.J.W. Rees (55, 57, 59);
LEPRA (86): Budgets/Estimates 1977 (1, 12-14), 1978 (47-48, 52-53); Expenditure 1977 (49); Research Projects (50-51, 58a-59a, 77, 79, 83, 86, 93); Leprosy Control Projects (8); Childrens' Fund Centres (2, 15, 28); LEPRA's contributions ; 1977 (18); 1978 (37, 43, 66, 68-70, 77-78); Malawi, ILEP forms (10, 19, 71); Co-ordination in India (44, 50-51); Meetings with ILEP HQ (4);
Other Members: DAHW (Germany) (67, 86); Leprosy Documentation Centre (7, 17); NSL (Holland) (3); TLM (UK) (25, 58a, 65, 83);
ILEP Meetings: Working Sessions. June 1977 Amsterdam (11, 16, 20); April 1978 Würzburg (54), November 1978 Carville (82, 90, 92); Joint meetings (33, 60a-61, 72, 74-75, 85, 89); Transfer of Co-ordinating Bureau to Paris (34); International Information Network (35-36); 'Missing Millions' (57a);
Plenary Sessions: Leprosy Global Strategy (41-42, 64);
Ad Hoc Working Groups (21); Ad Hoc Working Group 1 - ILEP Questionnaires - Paris, 1977 (39); ILEP Questionnaire (4-5, 9-10, 19, 71, 39, 72, 73, 75, 80-81); ILEP Leaflet (23, 38(73); ILEP Directory (19, 24, 31, 76); ILEP Co-ordinate Budget (68-70); ILEP - Contacts with outside voluntary agencies 1976-1978 (63); WHO (62); ILA (International Leprosy Association) Congress, Mexico, November 1978) (22a-22, 84, 91);
Drug Supplies (26-27, 29, 88): Drug Resistance (30)
Physical description
Where to find it
Location Status Access Closed stores