Completed Trips 2005

January-November 2005
Part of:
Professor Michael Ashburner: archives
  • Archives and manuscripts

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One folder containing individual files for the following trips, conferences and meetings attended by Ashburner in 2005:

- a lecture at the University of Cape Town, South Africa in December;

- a BIScience Board meeting held in Boston, United States of America in November;

- Genetic and Computational Approaches to the Genome held at the Howard Hughes Medical Institute in Maryland, United States of America in November;

- a Genome Informatics meeting held in Cold Spring Harbor, New York, United States of America in October-November;

- a Fidelity Foundation meeting held at the Massachusetts Institute for Technology, United States of America in October;

- a Genome Canada Science and Industry Advisory Committee (SIAC) held in Vancouver, Canada in October;

- a visit to the Howard Hughes Medical Institute in Maryland in October;

- the 1st International Conference of the Brazilian Association for Bioinformatics and Computational Biology held in Brazil in October;

- the Gates Challenges Kickoff meeting held in London, England in September;

- a FlyBase project meeting and advisors meeting held at Harvard, Massachusetts, United States of America in September;

- an Applied Biosystems Sciences meeting held at Asilomar, California, United States of America in September;

- the 8th meeting of the Microarray Gene Expression Data (MGED) Society in Bergen, Norway in September;

- a Microbial Genomes Metadata meeting held in Cambridge, England in September;

- the European Drosophila Research Conference held in Szeged, Hungary in September;

- an Applied Biosytems Scientific Advisory Board meeting held in California, United States of America in August;

- an Institute of Eletrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) meeting held in Stanford, United States of America in August;

- a visit to the Cold Spring Harbor Laboaratory, New York, United States of America in July-August;

- a Genome Canada SIAC meeting held in Toronto in July;

- a visit to Zurich, Switzerland in July;

- a meeting of the Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology (ISMB) held in Detroit, Michigan, United States of America in June;

- a visit to the National Evolutionary Synthesis Center (NESC) in North Carolina, United States of America in May-June;

- a Genomics meeting held in Cold Spring Harbor, New York in May;

- a meeting on Biosciences Evaluation held in Finland in May;

- an ENCODE meeting in Hinxton, England in May;

- a meeting on the Next Steps for Malaria held in Boston, United States of America in April;

- a Genome Canada SIAC meeting held in April;

- a Gene Ontology (GO) Advisory Board meeting and GO Consortium meeting held in Pasadena, California, United States of America in April;

- a trip to the United States of America and Canada in April;

- the 46th Annual Drosophila Research Conference held in San Diego, California in March-April;

- a Drosophila study course held in Bangalore, India in February-March;

- a visit to the Howard Hughes Medical Institute in Maryland in February;

- a BAC (baterical artifical chromosomes) meeting for the European Bioinformatics Institute (EBI) in January;

- a Genome Canada SIAC meeting in January;

- a Gulbenkian Evaluation held in Lisbon, Portugal January.


January-November 2005

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1 file

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