Additional general correspondence and papers

Part of:
Sargant, William Walters (1907-1988)
  • Archives and manuscripts
  • Online

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Contains: 120 images

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Additional general correspondence and papers. In copyright. Source: Wellcome Collection.

About this work



1. Draft article submitted to World MedicineWill Sargant replies about double blindDecember 1975 [in reply to a piece by Antony Clare]

2. Letter from Howard D. Fabing concerning arrangements for meetings in Switzerland and London, 1970s.

3. Modern treatments in Psychiatry, a draft of possible lecture for W.E. Hospital post grad course, 1940s.

4. Letter from Z.A. Leitner - congratulating Sargant on receiving the Starkey medal, October 1973.

5. Letter from Hilda Ralph Smith - enclosing a note by Speer of St Patrick's Hospital Dublin concerning Jonathan Swift, January 1951.

7. Classification of amentia - Circulated paper possibly from the Maudsley Hospital with ms annotations by Sargant, c.1930s

8. Assessment of mental state, c.1930s.

9. Summary description of mental disorders, circulated paper c.1930s.

10. Notes for the guidance of clinical assistants, c.1930s.

11. Physical treatment in psychiatry from a Pavlovian viewpoint - talk given by Sargant at a joint meeting of the staffs of the Seton Institute and Enoch Pratt Hospital, Baltimore, c.1940s.

12. The brain drain by Anthony Storr, March 1974. Photocopy of review of The Mind Possessedin Book World.

13. Abstracts of publications on insulin and shock therapies with some ms notes, 1949-50.

14. Correspondence with the Nursing Mirror concerning a possible article, Novemeber 1977.

15. Letter from Gordon Christie enclosing offprint of an article by him on Belmont Hospital: from rags to riches, Nursing Times, 1975.

16. Letter from W.A. Speer commenting on his health, January 1951.

17. Letter [from Eliot Slater] commenting on The Mind Possessed, October 1973.

18. Ts of vote of thanks given [by Eliot Slater] to Sargant's delivery of the Maudsley lecture, 1968.

19. Summary statistics [relating to the Maudsley Hospital] 1952.

20. Secret drug tests outcry - presscutting from South East London & Kentish Mercury, quoting report by Sargant. c.1970s.

21. Letter from Sargant to A.J. Scott of Messrs E. & S. Livingstone - concerning possible publication of Introduction to Physical Methods of Treatment in Psychiatry, February 1944.

22. Translation of document written by Rudolf Hess - an account of Hess's experiences during his imprisonment in the UK, including relating to his medical treatment and the state of his mental and physical health [1945].



Physical description

1 file


On transfer these papers were housed in an A-Z file, possibly alphabetically arranged by Ann Dally according to correspondent or subject, although the rationale for the arrangement was not entirely clear. They have been removed from the folder but kept in their original order.

Location of duplicates

A digitised copy is held by Wellcome Collection as part of The Mental Health Archives digitisation project.

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    Closed stores

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