The correspondents are:
Dr Carleton Gajdusek, Dr Antonio Garcia-Bellido, Dr Michael S Gazzaniga, General Motors Cancer Research Foundation (Bruce N Ames), Dr Charles Gilbert, Dr Alan L Gilchrist, Antonio Giuditta, Dr Lila R Gleitman, Maidie B Goddard (Robert Cashman), Professor D Goldfarb, Arthur Goldsmith (Editorial Director, Popular Photography - see issue December 1979, CRI/I/2/17, for Arnold Newman's portraits of Crick), Professor Mary Helen M Goldsmith, Beatrice Golomb, Dr Solomon W Golomb (includes Golomb, "Cryptographic reflections on the genetic code"), Dr Marcus Goodall, David Goodman ("I am unwilling to give an interview"), Robert Graham (Repository for Germinal Choice), Professor Ann M Graybiel, Bea Green ("Dear Francis, It is now so many years since we were on the Queen Mary crossing the Atlantic - Sept. 1954 - that..."), Professor Richard L Gregory, Dr J P Grime, Stephen Grossberg, Dr Marianne Grunberg-Manago (Spetsai), Dr Paul Guggenheim, and Nicholas Guppy (includes Guppy, "The crucial issue" on "the land rights of tribal peoples").