Melanogaster species subgroup papers
- Date:
- 1973-1978
- Reference:
- PP/MIA/E/4/34
- Part of:
- Professor Michael Ashburner: archives
- Archives and manuscripts
Collection contents
About this work
Files regarding the first three papers in a series of four entitled "Relationships within the melanogaster species subgroup of the genus Drosophila (Sophophora)". The first two papers were authored by Ashburner and Francois Lemeunier and published in Proceedings of the Royal Society of London in 1976. The third paper was authored by Ashburner, Lemeunier and B. Dutrillaux and published in Chromosoma in 1978. The fourth paper was authored by Ashburner and Lemeunier and published in Chromosoma in 1984, but is not represented in this archive.
Physical description
6 files