MS Ethiopian 4

18th century
  • Archives and manuscripts

About this work


18th century prayers of magical character


Ethiopia, 18th century

Physical description

Vellum; Material: perg; Scroll composed of three strips. The scroll would have been designed to be equal in length to the height of the person the scroll was composed for, in order that the entirety of the person was protected against demons and the return of evil spirits (Mercier); roll dimensions: diameter 165 mm, length 2065 mm

Acquisition note

(not after 1972): Acquired by the Wellcome Historical Medical Museum.

Language note


Hand note

Written in a current but careless script.

Ownership note

(not before 1700): Two consecutive owners are named:

Where to find it

  • LocationStatusAccess
    Closed stores
    MS Ethiopian 4
    By appointmentManual request


Permanent link