11. 1962 Myrna Blumberg: Abortion - And After.
12. 1972 M N Bracken, M E Swigar: Factors Associated with Delay in seeking Induced Abortions.
13. 1972 M B Bracken, M Hachamoritch, G Grossman: Correlates of Repeat Induced Abortions.
14. 1970 British Council of Churches: The Abortion Act 1967-1969, A Factual Review.
15. 1972 A E R Buckle, M M Anderson: Implementation of the Abortion Act: Report on a Year's Working of Abortion Clinics and Operating Sessions.
16. 1972 California, Bureau of Maternal and Child Health: Fifth Annual Report on the Implementation of the California Therapeutic Abortion Act.
17. 1978 W Cates, C Tietze, C: Standardized Mortality Rates Associated with Legal Abortion: United States 1972-1975.
18. 1972 I Chalmers, A Anderson: Factors Affecting Gestational Age at Therapeutic Abortion.
19. 1970 A Clarke: The Abortion Act Vindicated (in Humanist)
20. 1967 MB Clyne: Habitual Abortion, a Psychosomatic Disorder.
21. 1968 N Cogan: A Medical Social Worker Looks at the New Abortion Law.
22. 1966 Conservative Political Centre: Abortion, a Conservative View.
23. 1971 I Craft, B Musa: Induction of mid-Trimester Therapeutic Abortion by Intra-Amniotic Urea and Intravenous Oxytocin.
24. 1971 LR Cromenwett, J M Choyce: Saline Abortion (nurses' responsibility).
25. 1972 DHSS Advisory Group, Report on the Use of Foetuses and Foetal Material for Research.