NCT publications: 1990-1992
- Date:
- 1990-1992
- Reference:
- SA/NCT/J/4/3
- Part of:
- National Childbirth Trust (NCT)
- Archives and manuscripts
About this work
1990-1992 publications: "Plans for Development of the NCT Through the 90s", and related correspondence; NCT, "What Women Want from Midwives, Obstetricians, General Practitioners, Health Visitors" booklet, c.1993; POBsheet 15-16, and reading list; DoH guidance on HIV testing, 1992; NCT, "Checklist for Breastfeeding Counsellors Information Leaflet", 1992; "A Guide to the Winterton Report", 1992; "Accessible birth: a Parentability report on physical access to maternity units by parents with disabilities", 1991; Parentability Resource list, 1992. Conference leaflets and NCT events lists.
Physical description
1 file
Where to find it
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