Notebook on pharmacy and medicine
- Date:
- c.1818-1822
- Reference:
- PP/HO/D/D1
- Part of:
- Hodgkin family
- Archives and manuscripts
About this work
Contains: transcribed extract on use of hydrocyanic acid for diseases of the chest (ff2-14); pharmaceutical recipes (ff 15-25); copied notes of Dr Fletcher's instruction on Medical Latin (ff26-40); notes on pathology (ff40-53); paper read before Guy's Hospital Physical Society in 1822 "On Mediate Auscultation, or the use of Laennec's Cylinder commonly called Stethoscope, as the means of ascertaining the changes which disease produces in the organs of Respiration and circulation etc." (ff54-86); letters (ff87-91 and 101v-104v); note on poor law (f105); index (ff137-140); ff91-101r and 105v-136v blank.
Physical description
1 volume (140ff).
Where to find it
Location Status Access Closed stores