Hanna Corbishley's papers and correspondence: various reports and commentary
- Date:
- 1975-1994
- Reference:
- SA/NCT/A/7/10
- Part of:
- National Childbirth Trust (NCT)
- Archives and manuscripts
About this work
Reports and papers include: Report of the RCOG Working Party on Antenatal and Intrapartum Care, 1982; DHSS, "Patients Frist: Consultative paper on the structure and management of the National Health Service in England and Wales", 1979; South East Thames Regional Health Authority, "Strategies and Guidelines for the Development of Obstetric Services", 1978; DHSS, "Prevention and Health: Reducing the risk, safer pregnancy and childbirth", 1977; Health News Briefing, "NHS Complaints Procedure", 1990, "Contracts for Health Care", 1990; Maternity Alliance Annual Reports, 1981-1984; Oldham and Tameside branch of NCT, "Maternity Services", 1994; The Greater London Association of Community Health Councils, "The Maternity Crisis", 1987; Rosemary Allen, Andrew Purkis, "Health in the Round: voluntary action and antenatal services", 1983; DHSS Community Nursing Review, "Neighbourhood Nursing: a focus for care", 1986; King's Fund, "Neighbourhood Nursing", 1986.
Also includes NCT press releases, press and journal cuttings, and NCT correspondence concerning papers and reports.
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