Selected papers on policy and research:
1. Birth Control Investigation Committee (BCIC) leaflet, 1927
2. 'Report of visit to Berlin to investigate Dr Graefenberg's silver ring contraceptive' by Dr (Helena) Wright, 1929
3. 'Scheme for a research on the possible dysgenic effects of chemical contraceptives' by J B S Haldane, 1930
4. 'Report to the Birth Control Investigation Committee (BCIC)' by H M Carleton and H W Florey, 1930
5. 'Birth Control Investigation Committee (BCIC). Present Scope of Work' (Draft and copy), 1930
6. 'An Investigation of the Quinine and Urea Hydrochloride Pessary', by John R Baker, 1930
7. 'Birth Control Investigation Committee (BCIC). Summary of Activities.' Reports of sub-committees (Research, Finance, Statistics), 1930
8. Draft Statement, marked in pencil 'not altered' by Dr Blacker and Professor Huxley, 1930
9. 'Memorandum on Work of Birth Control Investigation Committee (BCIC)' by Dr C P Blacker, 1931
10. Copy of paper sent to Sir George Newman about Dr J R Baker's investigations in spermicides (2 copies), 1931
11. 'Radiological experiments. General Explanation' by Dr H M Worth, 1932-33
12. 'Birth Control Investigation Committee (BCIC). Interim report on progress' (with additional paragraph for 1933), 1932-33
13. 'Memorandum on the activities of the Birth Control Investigation Committee (BCIC) between 1933 & 1934' by C P Blacker, 1934
14. Summary of activities of Birth Control Investigation Committee (BCIC), 1932 (Sep 1932) with cuttings and correspondence about chemical contraceptives, 1932-34
15. 'The Nature and Reaction of Human Vaginal Fluid', May 1939