M. Blundeuile his exercises : containing eight treatises, the titles whereof are set downe in the next printed page: which treatises are verie necessarie to be read and learned of all yoong gentlemen that haue not bene exercised in such disciplines, and yet are desirous to haue knowledge as well in cosmographie, astronomie, and geographie, as also in the arte of nauigation ... To the furtherance of which arte of nauigation, the said M. Blundeuile specially wrote the said treatises, and of meere goodwill doth dedicate the same to all young gentlemen of this realme.

  • Blundeville, Thomas, active 1561
  • Books
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About this work

Also known as

M. Blundevile his exercises
M. Blundevile his exercises.
Briefe description of the tables of the three speciall right lines belonging to a circle, called signes, lines tangent, and lines secant.
Plaine treatise of the first principles of cosmographie.
Plaine description of Mercator his two globes.
Plaine and full description of Petrus Plancius his vniuersall map.
Plaine and full description of Petrus Plancius his universall map.
Very brief and most plaine description of Master Blagraue his astrolabe.
Very brief and most plaine description of Master Blagrave his astrolabe.
Nevv and necessarie treatise of nauigation.
New and necessarie treatise of navigation.
Briefe description of vniuersall maps and cards.
Briefe description of universall maps and cards.
True order of making of Ptolomie his tables.


Imprinted at London : By Iohn Windet, dwelling at the signe of the Crosse Keyes, neere Paules Wharffe, and are there to be solde, 1597.

Physical description

7 unnumbered pages, 55, 57-392 leaves, 5 folded plates : illustrations


The second edition, corrected and augmented by the author.


With volvelles on leaves 151r, 349r, 360v, 378r.
"A briefe description of the tables of the three speciall right lines belonging to a circle, called signes, lines tangent, and lines secant", "A plaine treatise of the first principles of cosmographie", and "A briefe description of vniuersall maps and cards" each have separate dated title page; "A plaine description of Mercator his two globes", "A plaine and full description of Petrus Plancius his vniuersall map", "A very brief and most plaine description of Master Blagraue his astrolabe", "A nevv and necessarie treatise of nauigation", and "The true order of making of Ptolomie his tables" each have separate title page; foliation and register are continuous.
"A briefe description of universall maps and cards" was first published separately in 1589.
Gathering 3D is in two settings: leaf 392r line 2 ends (1) "of" or (2) "Bishoppes,", with further text on the map of William Postellus.
Reproduction of the original in the Henry E. Huntington Library and Art Gallery.

References note

STC (2nd ed.) 3147.

Reproduction note

Electronic reproduction. Ann Arbor, Mich. : UMI, 1999- (Early English books online) Digital version of: (Early English books, 1475-1640 ; 281:01) s1999 miun s



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