Mercator, Gerhard, 1512-1594
By this person (4)
About this person (12)
- Books
Mr. Blundevil His exercises, contayning eight treatises ... which treatises are very necessary to be read and learned of all young gentlemen that have not been excercised in such disciplines, and yet are desirous to have knowledge as well in cosmographie, astronomie and geographie, as also in the art of navigation, in which art it is impossible to profit without the help of these or such like instructions / To the furtherance of which art of navigation, the said Mr. Blundevil specially wrote the said treatises.
Blundeville, Thomas, active 1561.Date: 1636- Books
Geographiae libri octo graeco-latini / [translated by B. Pirckheimer] latine primum recogniti et emendati, cum tabulis geographicis ad mentem auctoris restitutis per G. Mercatorem: iam vero ad graeca et latina exemplaria a P. Montano iterum recogniti, et pluribus locis castigati. Adjecta insuper ab eodem nomina recentia et aequipollentia ex variis auctoribus ... collecta.
Ptolemy, active 2nd centuryDate: 1605- Books
- Online
Mr. Blundevil his exercises : contayning eight treatises, the titles whereof are set down in the next printed page : which treatises are very necessary to be read and learned of all young gentlemen, that have not been exercised in such disciplines, and yet are desirous to have knowledge as well in cosmographie, astronomie, and geographie, as also in the art of navigation, in which art it is impossible to profit without the help of these or such like instructions / to the furtherance of which art of navigation the said Mr. Blundevil specially wrot the said treatises, and of meere good-will doth dedicate the same young gentlemen of this realme.
Blundeville, Thomas, active 1561Date: 1638- Books
Historia mundi: or Mercator's atlas. Containing his cosmographicall description of the fabricke and figure of the world / Lately rectified in divers places, as also beautified and enlarged with new mappes and tables; by ... Jodocus Hondey. Englished by W[ye] S[altonstall].
Mercator, Gerhard, 1512-1594Date: 1635