Fair copy transcript of the journal

7 Sep. 1818 - 17 Dec. 1818
Part of:
Continental Journal, early 19th century
  • Archives and manuscripts

About this work


Covering the journey from [Manchester] via London to Dover (f. 2), Calais (f. 3) and Paris (f. 5); there is then a hiatus till Sims's departure from Geneva (f. 16), for Milan (f. 40), Genoa (f. 47), Marseilles (f. 53) and Avignon (f. 55). The record is then again silent until he is back in Paris (f. 58). Paper watermarked 1821.


7 Sep. 1818 - 17 Dec. 1818

Physical description

1 volume (117 ff.). Incomplete. largely arranged in fascicles, approx. 250 x 200 mm. Some blanks.

Finding aids

Database description transcribed from Richard Aspin and Christopher Hilton's typescript supplement to S.A.J Moorat's Catalogue of Western Manuscripts

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