Loose Papers, 1953-1965

  • McMichael, Sir John, FRCP, FRCPE, FRS (1904-1993) Cardiologist
Part of:
McMichael, Sir John (1904-1993)
  • Archives and manuscripts

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Articles, reprints, letters to editors etc written by McMichael between 1955 and 1965:

John S. McMichael, "The Management of Hypertension," Journal of the Florida Medical Association, 40, 397-399, 1953

John McMichael, "La Natura Dell'insufficienza Cardiaca," Recenti Progressi in Medicina, XIV, 1, no. 1-19, 1953

H. Sarre, et al, "Ist die Operative Behandlung des Hochdrucks Heute Noch Angezeigt?" Die Medizinische, 1953

John McMichael, Herbert Vetter and H. W. Knipping, Pharmakologie des Herzverssagens, Darmstadt, 1953

Case History discussion conducted by Perrin H. Long as part of a Clinicopathologic Conference on April 23 1953, organized by State University of New York College of Medicine at New York City, and the Medical and Pathology Services, University Division, Kings County Hospital, Brooklyn, New York. Reprinted in the New York State Journal of Medicine,54, no. 6, March 15, 1954 (McMichael was one of the panelists for this discussion).

J. McMichael, "Lessons from Hexamethonium Studies in Malignant Hypertension," reprinted from CIBA Foundation, Hypertension, London: 1954, pp.192-199

John McMichael, "Treatment of Chronic Cor Pulmonale," Acta Cardiologica,IX, no. 4, 1954, pp. 295-297

J. McMichael, "Die Behandlung der Hypertonie," Innere Medizine, April 1954, pp. 145-150

John McMichael, "The Management of Hypertension," The Agra Medical College Journal, VII, no. 2, pp. 13-16

J. McMichael and E. A. Murphy, "Methonium Treatment of Severe and Malignant Hypertension,"Journal of Chronic Diseases, 1, no. 5, May 1955, pp. 527-535

John McMichael, "Adult Medical Education of the Academic Clinical Teacher and Investigator," British Medical Journal, II, August 27 1955, p. 510

J. McMichael, "Malignant Hypertension," Jornadas de Cardiologia de Lisboa, 1955, pp. 59-73

J. McMichael, "Results of Methonium Treatment in Malignant Hypertension (5 Year Follow-Up)," Symposium in Dundee,1956, pp. 105-107

John McMichael, "Modern Views on Pulmonary Infarction,"The Medical Press, 11 April, 1956, PP. 289-291

J. McMichael and J. P. Shillingford, "The Role of Valvular Incompetance in Heart Failure," British Medical Journal, I, 9 March 1957, PP. 537-541

John McMichael, "Long-Term Anticoagulant Treatment for Coronary-Artery Disease," Lancet, 8 March 1958, p. 528 (letters to the editor)

P. Kincaid-Smith, J. McMichael and E. A. Murphy, "The Clinical Course and Pathology of Hypertension with Papilloedema (Malignant Hypertension)," The Quarterly Journal of Medicine, XXVII, no. 105, January 1958, pp. 117-153

John McMichael, "Cardiotonics and Diuretics in Human Heart Failure," Journal of Chronic Diseases, 9, no. 5, May 1959, pp. 602-616

J. McMichael and C. V. Harrison, "Catching Up with Cabot," British Medical Journal, 14 February 1959, p. 435 (correspondence page)

John McMichael, "Catching Up with Cabot," British Medical Journal, 23 May 1959, p. 1350 (correspondence page)

John McMichael, "Emphysema Heart," Progress in Cardiovascular Diseases, I, May 1959, pp. 446-456

John McMichael, "Changing Views on Heart Failure," Annals of Internal Medicine, 51, no. 4 October 1959, pp. 635-640

M. Harington, Priscilla Kincaid-Smith and J. McMichael, "Results of Treatment in Malignant Hypertension: A Seven Year Experience in 94 Cases," British Medical Journal, 19 November 1959, pp. 969-980

Postgraduate Medical School of London, "Clinopathological Conference: A Case of Malignant Hypertension," British Medical Journal, 23 January 1960, pp. 262-268

C. T. Dollery, D. Emslie-Smith and J. McMichael, "Bretylium Tosylate in the Treatment of Hypertension," Lancet, 6 February 1960, pp. 296-299

C. T. Dollery, D. Emslie-Smith and J. McMichael, "Bretylium Tosylate in the Treatment of Hypertension," Lancet, 30 July 1960, pp. 261-262 (letters to the editor)

John McMichael, "Chronic Pulmonary Heart Disease (Chronic Cor Pulmonale)," in R. Daly, J. F. Goodwin and R. E. Steiner eds. Clinical Diseases of Pulmonary Circulation, London, 1960, pp. 298-310

J. McMichael and E. H. O. Parry, "Prognosis and Anticoagulant Prophylaxis after Coronary Occlusion," Lancet, 5 November 1960, pp. 991-998

J. McMichael, "I Nuovi Metodi Dell'intervento Chirurgico Sul Cuore," Minerva Chirurgica,16, 31 March 1961, pp. 360-362

John McMichael, "William Harvey's Lessons for Today," British Medical Journal, 22 April 1961, pp. 1123-1126

J. McMichael, "Vascular Disease: An Indirect Approach?" Canadian Medical Association Journal, 84, 22 April 1961, pp.878-879

J. McMichael, "The Lungs in Heart Disease," Triangle, V, no. 1, April 1961, pp. 54-60

J. McMichael, "Reorientations in Hypertensive Disorders," British Medical Journal, 11 and 18 November 1961, pp. 1239-1244 and 1310-1314

C. Dollery and J. McMichael, "The Pulmonary Circulation in Heart Disease," The Newcastle Medical Journal, XXVII, no. 2, December 1961, pp.40-46

John McMichael, "Essential Hypertension," British Medical Journal, 10 March 1962, p. 717 (correspondence page)

J. McMichael, "Anticoagulants in Coronary Disease," Swiss Medical Journal, 92, no. 25, 1962, p.763

J. McMichael, "Logic and Hypertension," Lancet, 14 July 1962, pp. 99-100 (letters to the editor)

J. McMichael, "The Lesions of Malignant Hypertension," Malattie Cardiovascolari, IV, no. 1, 1963, pp. 287-290

J. McMichael and C. Dollery, "Hypertensive Retinopathy," Transactions of the Opthalmological Societies, LXXXIII, 1963, pp. 51-59

John McMichael, "A New Drive Against Heart Disease," New Scientist, 18, 1963, pp. 592-593

J. McMichael, "The Heart and Digitalis," British Medical Journal, 13 July 1963, pp. 73-79

J. McMichael, "The Contribution of Clinical Medicine to Physiology," The Advancement of Science, XX, 1963-1964, pp. 1-5

J. McMichael, "An Interesting Case in Ward 6," Lancet, 11 April 1964, p. 825 (letters to the editor)

John McMichael, "Edward Peter Sharpey-Shafer," British Heart Journal, XXVI, no. 3, May 1964, pp. 430-432

John McMichael, "Anticoagulants: Another View," British Medical Journal, 17 October 1964, p. 1007 (correspondence page)

C. T. Dollery and J. McMichael, "Retinopatia Ipertensiva,"Recenti Progressi in Medicina, XXXVIII, no. 5, Maggio 1965, pp. 369-397

John McMichael, "A Clinical Services Institute," The Medical Journal of Australia, 14 August 1965, pp. 263-264

Sir John McMichael, "Observations Out of Time," Robert Campbell Memorial Oration to the Ulster Medical Society, 11 November 1965, pp. 103-110

C.T. Dollery and J. McMichael, "Facial Palsy: Its Occurrence in Patients with Severe Hypertension," c.1955 (no publication details)



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