Bayle, Gaspard Laurent (1774-1816)

Part of:
Collectanea: Pathology, etc. I
  • Archives and manuscripts

About this work


Notes sur un cas de fièvre biliaire hémorrhagique et hématuria rénale. On the cover is a note 'Notes manuscrites de Bayle données, par sa famille au Dr. [Jean Baptiste Félix] Descuret [1795-1872].' The patient was a certain 'Mr. L.B. agé de 17 ans, Tempérament nerveux, taciturne', and his illness is described from 16 Floréal to 1 Messidor an XII (5 May-19 June, 1804). Produced in Paris.



Physical description

6ll 6 ll. 4to. 23 x 181/2 cm..

Acquisition note

Purchased 1927.

Biographical note

G. L. Bayle had been a pupil of Corvisart in Paris, 1798-1802, and having qualified in 1802 was physician to the Charité Hospital. He served with the French army in the Peninsular War and was later physician to Louis XVIII.

Finding aids

Database description transcribed from S.A.J. Moorat, Catalogue of Western Manuscripts on Medicine and Science in the Wellcome Historical Medical Library (London: Wellcome Institute for the History of Medicine, 1962-1973).

Permanent link


Accession number

  • 67371