Coopers publications relating to specific products or services (1)
- Date:
- c 1950 - 1957
- Reference:
- WF/C/M/PB/25
- Part of:
- Wellcome Foundation Ltd
- Archives and manuscripts
About this work
Coopers Price List for Veterinary Products (1957)
Coopers Poultry Booklets 1: Coccidiosis in Poultry (c 1950)
Coopers Poultry Booklets 2: Blackhead in Turkeys (c 1950)
Coopers Poultry Booklets 5: Chemical Caponization (c 1950)
Coopers Ringworm Aerosol (c 1950)
Coopers Ringworm Liquid (c 1950)
Coopers Orf Dressing (c 1950)
Coopers Marking Preparations (c 1950)
Coopers Blackhead Remedy for Turkeys (c 1950)
Aids to Dairy Hygiene: A Cooper Booklet (c 1950) (promoting more than one product)
Coopers Q A Udder Wash (c 1950)
Anabac: Coopers Dairy Bactericide (c 1950)
Bloat in Ruminants [promoting Coopers Bloat Remedy] (c 1950)
6[Often literature promoting products was disguised as general informational literature. For example, the booklet on Blackhead in Turkeys actually promoted Coopers Blackhead Remedy for Turkeys.]
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