'Some Effects of Inhibiting Endogenous Prostaglandin Formation on the Response of the Cat Spleen'
- Vane, Sir John, FRS (1927-2004), Pharmacologist
- Date:
- 1973
- Reference:
- PP/JRV/C/7/2
- Part of:
- Vane, Sir John Robert (1927-2004)
- Archives and manuscripts
About this work
File consists of final version of paper and draft papers, related to the paper by S.H. Ferreira, S. Moncada and J.R. Vane, "Some Effects of Inhibiting Endogenous Prostaglandin Formation on the Response of the Cat Spleen", British Journal of Pharmacology, vol.47 no.1, p48-58, January 1973. Details include:
Copy of printer's typed proof version of the article, with manuscript annotation (undated).
Two near final typed drafts of the paper including references and copies of figures.
Physical description
1 file
Acquisition note
Where to find it
Location Status Access Closed stores