Gahrung, by J. von Liebig. 1870.
Elimination of Alcohol, by A. Dupre. 1860.
Case of Asiatic Cholera, by C. MacNamara. 1872.
Alcohol, by Dr. W. Subbotin. n.d.
Alcohol, by S. Wilks. 1867.
Mittheilung uber den einfluss der nahrung auf den Hamoglobin gehalt des Blutes, by Dr. V. Subbotin. n.d.
Beptone, by Dr. V. Subbotin. 1869.
Fettgewebes, by Dr. V. Subbotin. 1869.
Hungerms, by J. Seegen. 1871.
Carcinome, by F.W. Beneke. 1866.
Russian pamphlet. n.d.
Physostigina and Atropia, by T.R. Frazer. 1871.
Physostigmatis, by V. Subbotin. 1869.
Cases from practice, by W. Curran. 1882.
Action and uses of Turpentine, by J.W. Begbie. 1881.
Tumours of the Liver, by C.H. Fagge & A.E. Durham. 1871.
Stenosis of the Oesophagus, by C.H. Fagge. 1844.
Geneva Convention, by Longmore. 1864.
Medical Education, by W. Aitken. 1872.
Vomiting of Pregnancy, by G. Hewitt. 1872.
Swelled leg of fevers, by J.W. Begbie. 1882.
Orifices of the heart, by H.Davies. 1870.
Pharmacopoeia articles, by A. Harvey & A. Dyce Davidson. 1871.
Feined diseases, by G. Wilson. 1881.