JAV Bates. Box 3 Reels 1-51 +?.
- Date:
- 1958-1961
- Reference:
- GC/179/C/2/3
- Part of:
- Bates, John A.V., and the Ratio Club
- Archives and manuscripts
About this work
A compilation of short pre-operative and post-operative neurological films featuring adults and children displaying a range of different physiological movements from gross activities such as walking, standing and sitting to finer activities such as creating facial expressions and maniuplating objects. The films may have been made during Bates' time at the Neurological Research Unit at the National Hospital for Nervous Diseases.
In April 2009 these individual patient films were compiled onto a film reel.
Sections comprise:
2 or ? Wh. Tatriollin care pre-op
3 Labelled a reversal print of 3. A shot showing rotation of the head, and opening the mouth, and movements of the left? side of the face. Second a shot from Patient W's operation showing a finger-nose test on the right hand. This confirms that the film is in the right way round and must be projected with emulsion side up, in the editor. Thirdly a shot of head turning to the right and abnormal movements of the arms in a patient of Jacksons. [Transcribed from a typed slip found in the box.]
4 Wild attempts to do a finger-nose test with the right hand. Followed by a shot of stimulation involving the right hand in which nothing much is seen. Followed by a very over exposed shot of a face with the stimulus marker invisible on the editor. Concluding with a shot of a mans face showing very little. [Transcribed from a typed slip found in the box.]
5 From a box labelled Patient W 25.10.61 Ref H1/27. Right hand analgesic before procaine. The examiners hand indicates the instructions given to the patient who can bring her left hand up to her lips and back again, but whose right hand gets stuck at her lips unless she touches it either with her left hand or with the examiners pencil. This is quite well shown. This was clearly before a procaine injection in the right biceps. [Transcribed from a typed slip found in the box.]
6 From a box labelled Patient W 25.11.61. Ref: H1/27. After procaine in the right biceps. This show[s] the right fingers being taken up to the chin and back again successfully. [Transcribed from a typed slip found in the box.]
7 An abnormal movement of the left hand on stimulation, followed by a finger-nose test with the right hand, showing gross involuntary movement. Followed by a good shot of an involuntary movement of the jaw produced by stimulation. Followed by a peculiar response in the right hand and fingers of an involuntary kind. A good shot. [Transcribed from a typed slip found in the box.]
8 A shot of considerable movement of the left side of the face which the patient was unaware of. Followed by a shot showing slight stimulation with cotton wool on the left side of the face. Followed by involuntary movements of the left arm. To conclude a shot showing the considerable retraction of the left side of the face in a woman. [Transcribed from a typed slip found in the box.]
9 A film of a man showing gross involuntary movements of the right arm on stimulation which is followed by a shot with his hand tucked under his trunk, to reduce the movements. Followed by a dimly lit finger-nose test after injection showing some improvement. [Transcribed from a typed slip found in the box.]
10 This is a print of film 9. A film of a man showing gross involuntary movements of the right arm, on stimulation which is followed by a shot with his hand tucked under his trunk, to reduce the movements. Followed by a dimly lit finger-nose test after injection showing some improvement. [Transcribed from a typed slip found in the box.]
11 A loop of Patient M on the tilt table. [Transcribed from a typed slip found in the box.]
12 A short section of Gamper's film taken for still copy showing the infant making writhing movements in a lateral position. [Transcribed from a typed slip found in the box.]
13 A short shot showing an elevation of the forearm and possibly cessation of tremor on stimulation. [Transcribed from a typed slip found in the box.]
14 Cassette labelled B. First shot, slight movements of right fingers. Second shot, movements right side of the face. Third shot, plantar response on the right side. [Transcribed from a typed slip found in the box.]
15 Arrest tremor right foreman. Good shots. Shots of elevation of the upper lid in patient under anaesthetic. Query - small boy with gross involuntary movements, who died following the second operation. The son of a G.O.S. nurse? Christian name D. Spool labelled 23.9.60. [Transcribed from a typed slip found in the box.]
16 Spool labelled Patient M, with shots of the left hand, showing spreading of the fingers in a man. Presumably post-operative. [Transcribed from a typed slip found in the box.]
17 Film of the left hand of a man showing spreading of the fingers. Looks like the same hand as Patient M on 16. Followed by a film of the right hand showing increase of tremor or production of tremor by stimulation. Quite a good shot. Followed by plantar response on the right leg showing nothing. This spool was labelled 12.10.60. [Transcribed from a typed slip found in the box.]
18 Downward movement of the eyeballs well shown in the small boy D. Followed by a section showing the plantar response which was very slight. [Transcribed from a typed slip found in the box.]
19 A case showing alternately stimulating the sole of the left foot and through the depth electrode. This was the case to demonstrate the A.B.N. paper. [Transcribed from a typed slip found in the box.]
20 A film of stimulating the sole of the left foot with nothing very much to see. [Transcribed from a typed slip found in the box.]
21 A good shot of the production of abnormal movements in the left leg by stimulation. Followed by some slight movements of the left forearm and wrist. [Transcribed from a typed slip found in the box.]
22 A full face showing blinking and complex lip movement. A film of the right hand. A film of another face showing depression of the jaw. A heavily over exposed shot of the hands. [Transcribed from a typed slip found in the box.]
23 A film of a Whittington case showing flexion of the hip, movement of the face, and movement of the thumb. [Transcribed from a typed slip found in the box.]
24 A film leader on which is written Purdom? showing a woman doing a finger-nose test with the right hand which is interrupted by stimulation. A good shot interrupted and made worse. Followed by a shot of the face and then a shot of the right thumb and index making small movements to stimulation. To conclude a shot of rotary movements at the hip and ankle on the right side to stimulation. [Transcribed from a typed slip found in the box.]
25 A film labelled Holman. First shot showing tremorof the outstretched right hand. To conclude a shot showing the production of a severe right hand tremor by stimulation. Quite a good shot. [Transcribed from a typed slip found in the box.]
26 A film leader labelled, before August 1963. Production of the slow flapping tremor of the left hand and an abnormal movement in the right hand. Production of abnormal movements on both sides. To conclude a shot of fairly violent head turning to the left with violent protrusion of the tongue. [Transcribed from a typed slip found in the box.]
27 A shot of both hands in which the right hand appears to relax, an abnormal movement on stimulation. A good shot of a cessation of jaw tremor on stiiulation showing increased tonus in the jaw. [Transcribed from a typed slip found in the box.]
28 From a box dated 5th April, 1961, labelled Patient P great toe. Followed by a shot of a back leg of a cat in a Stutz reaction and flexor withdrawal reaction and stepping of the front leg. [Transcribed from a typed slip found in the box.]
29 A film from a box labelled 13th? October, 1960. For A.B.N. This is probably a print of the film in the box... [Transcribed from a typed slip found in the box.]
30 A film from a box postmarked 7th August 1962. A movement of the right big toe quite well seen. Followed by a section grossly out of focus concluding with a short section of involuntary movements of the right arm. The effect on stimulation being doubtful. [Transcribed from a typed slip found in the box.]
31 A film from a box postmarked 22nd August 1961. A peculiar twitch-like movement of the outer fingers of either of the right hand or left hand doubtful. Probably the right hand with a severe hemiplegic deformity. A very beautiful twitch of the little finger, followed by a shot of both hands in another patient showing a tremor of the left hand arrested by stimulation. [Transcribed from a typed slip found in the box.]
32 From a box dated 19th June 1962. A bald patient Patient D? on the tilt table. Followed by a hairy subject presumably a control.[Transcribed from a typed slip found in the box.]
33 A film from a box postmarked 7th August 1962. Flexion of the wrist and some extension of the index finger followed by complex chewing movements quite well shown. Probably stimulation of Radial nerve?. [Transcribed from a typed slip found in the box.]
34 From a box labelled 25th January 1962. A rather under exposed shot of apparently extension of the fingers on the right hand starting with the thumb. Later a complex right hand movement. Later clearly a film stimulation of the radial nerve on the right side. [Transcribed from a typed slip found in the box.]
35 Taken from box postmarked 28th April 1961. A film of Bates and Capon, spontaneous stepping of back legs of black cat. Followed by right hand movements in an old man without stimulation. [Transcribed from a typed slip found in the box.]
36 From a box postmarked 5th April 1961. A cat showing spontaneous stepping of the front legs and the placing response well shown in the back leg. [Transcribed from a typed slip found in the box.]
37 From a box postmarked 8th June 1961. Stimulation on the right side showing elevation of the eyelids and general alerting. A good show,and a second patient showing the production of slow tremor in the left arm. [Transcribed from a typed slip found in the box.]
38 From a box postmarked 22nd August 1961. Extension of the neck on stimulation. A ? spasmodic torticolis. A rather complex movement of the left arm, possibly an involuntary movement. [Transcribed from a typed slip found in the box.]
39 From a box postmarked 19th June 1962. Shots of a hand formin thumb and finger movements showing excessive flexion of the index finger. No relation to stimulation apparently. [Transcribed from a typed slip found in the box.]
40 Harrison, Celia. A box labelled Celia Harrison 83669 at op 6.2.59. Short sequence showing opening of the left eye following stimulation. [Transcribed from a typed slip found in the box.]
41 Patient G 16.1.59 at op. A film labelled Patient G 16.1.59 . at op showing cessation of tremor in the left arm following stimulation. A section is missing suggesting that it has been used elsewhere. [Transcribed from a typed slip found in the box.]
42 Patient G 27.11.59. From a box labelled Patient Gt 27.11.59. This is an at operation record showing an electromyography of the right arm with a cessation of a gross tremor of the arm. Apparently no cessation of the hand tremor and shots of the face showing opening of the jaw. [Transcribed from a typed slip found in the box.]
43 Patient G 8.9.59. From a box labelled Patient G 8.9.59. This starts with a section upside down which appears to be in the wrong place and possibly the end section of the filmm. After a splice a shot shows a severe bilateral tremor which appears to be interrupted in the left hand by stimulation. [Transcribed from a typed slip found in the box.]
44 Patient G 24.11.59. Showing a movement of the thumb and index on the right side followed by an upward movement of the jaw. [Transcribed from a typed slip found in the box.]
45 Patient F 15.1.60. Box labelled Patient F 15.1.60. Film shows a coarse tremor of the right arm which appears to be both inhibited on occasions ad exaggerated by stimulation. [Transcribed from a typed slip found in the box.]
46 Patient E,, (Wh) (at op) (Harperbury Athetoid. Protrusion of the tongue and then some wild movements of the left arm during passive manipulation followed by movements of the legs and whole body. These shots appear to show nothing definite. [Transcribed from a typed slip found in the box.]
47 Patient E (W) (athetosis) pre-op. From a box labelled Patient E (Whittington). Athetoid pre-op. Quite good shots of this kernicterus type athetosis showing the patient on the bed and subsequently trying to walk. [Transcribed from a typed slip found in the box.]
48 Patient E. (Make Whittington ? G.M. From a box labelled Patient E. A middle-aged man at the Whittington having a grand mal? induced with megimide. Well showing the posture of the hands the chronic phase with a shot of the face. [Transcribed from a typed slip found in the box.]
49 Patient D 28.8.59. Box labelled Patient D, 28.8.59. Showing a tremor of the left hand apparently uneffected by stimulation but possibly an alteration of posture of the hand as if a capsular response was superimposed on the tremor without any effect on the tremor. Followed by a shot of the thumb and index finger of the right hand apparently showing that involuntary movements of the thumb and index are not interfered with. Followed Patient F 15.1.60. Box labelled Patient F 15.1.60. Film shows a coarse tremor of the right arm which appears to be both inhibited on occasions ad exaggerated by stimulation. [Transcribed from a typed slip found in the box.]
50 Patient C (W) (Rt Post Enc) pre op (made up length 1.11.58). From a box labelled Patient C (Whittington), right post-encephaletic. Made up length 1.11.58. Initial shots pre-operative showing right hand tremor and limited movements of the right hand on simple functional tests. Good shot showing writing with the left hand followed by the right hand. Concluding with shots showing immediate improvement in right hand finger function following the lesion in the operating theatre. [Transcribed from a typed slip found in the box.]
51 Patient C 77473 at op 13.2.59. A box labelled Patient C 77437 at op 13.2.59. Shot showing slowing of a volitional movement of the right hand on stimulation followed by a shot of the mouth and tongue showing nothing in particular. [Transcribed from a typed slip found in the box.]
Publication details: UK, no date.Publication/Creation
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