Reviews, 461-480

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Daley, Sir (William) Allen (1887-1969)
  • Archives and manuscripts

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461, Ireland, Republic Of. Ministry of Health. Report on Vital Statistics 1957. Compiled by the Central Statistics Office (Government Publication Sales Office, 1960). Your Health 10

462, Angelini, A, "Interferencias entre la tosferina sarampion y poiliomielitis en el Distrito Federal" (Interfernce between whooping cough, measles and poliomyelitis in the Federal District) Salud Publica Mexico, Jan-Mar 1960, vol 2, no 1, pp 105-10. Your Health 11

463, Zubiran, S, Martinez, P D, Balan, G and Chavez, A, "Estudio epidemiologico de la desnutricion en Mexico" (Epidemiological study of malnutrition n Mexico) Salud Publica Mexico, Jan-Mar 1960, vol 2, no 1, pp 111-18

464, Hanlon, John, Principles of Public Health Administration. 3rd edition (Henry Kimpton, 1960)

465, Scotland. Report of the Dept of Health for Scotland 1959 (HMSO, 1960)

466, Berg, G and Tillman, S, "The Care of the Chronically Ill in a District in Sweden. A Medical and Social Investigation" Canadian Medical Association Journal, 11 Jun 1960, vol 82, no 4, pp 1229-35. Your Health 12

467, Galloway, J F, "Intergration of Preventive and Curative Health Services through Comprehensive Local Administrative Units" The Lancet, 2 Jul 1960, pp 34-6. Your Health 13

468, Nash, F W, "A Review of all Births in Merthyr Tydfil, 1955" Medical Officer, 15 and 22 Jul, vol 104, nos. 3 and 4, pp 55-61; 75-80. Your Health 14

469, Anderson, C L, School Health Practice. 2nd edition. (Henry Kimpton, 1960). Bulletin of Hygiene

470, Ministry of Health. Report of the Ministry of Health for the Year ended 31st December 1959. Part I. 1.The National Health Service (including a Chapter on International Health). 2.Welfare, Food and Drugs, Civil Defence. (HMSO, 1960). Your Health 16

471, Grundy, Fred, Preventive Medicine and Public Health. An Introduction for Students and Practitioners. 4th edition (H K Lewis & Co)

472, Wilner, Daniel M, Walkley, Rosabelle P, Williams, Huntington, and Tayback, Matthew, "The Baltimore Study on the Effects of Housing on Health" Baltimore Health News, 1960 volXXXVI, pp 45-50

473, Article on election to the Presidential Chair of the Society of Medical Officers of Health. [by Daley]

474, Ristori, C, Boccardo, H and Borgono, J M, "La epidenia de influenza asiatica en Chile y su repercusion en la mortalidad" (The Asian Influenza in Chile and its repercussion on mortality) Bol. Oficina Sanitaria Panamericana, Aug 1960, vol 49, no 2, pp 132-48. English Summary. Your Health 17

475, Sheen, Edith M and Duncan, Ethel, H L, "A Survey of a Health Visitor's Work among the Chronic Sick and Aged in Bristol" Medical Officer, 16 Sept 1960, vol 104, no 12, pp 175-80. Your Health 18

476, Leff, S and V, Health and Humanity (Lawrence and Wishart, 1960[?])

477, Article by Daley for the Family Doctor "Research", with correpondence, Sep 1960

478, Gear, Harry Sutherland, World Medical Research: Principles and Practice (Butterworths, 1960)

479, Cook, N J, "The First Fifty Years of Life" Medical Officer, 7 Oct 1960, vol 104, no 15, pp 219-25. Your Health 20

480, Brockington, C Fraser, The Health of the Community. Principles of Public Health for Practitioners and Students, with a Foreword by Lord Stopford of Fallowfield (J & A Churchill, 1960). Bulletin of Hygiene



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