'The Relationship Between the Penetration of Tryptamine and 5-Hydroxytryptamine into Smooth Muscle and the Associated Contractions'
- Vane, Sir John, FRS (1927-2004), Pharmacologist
- Date:
- 1962-1967
- Reference:
- PP/JRV/C/2/5
- Part of:
- Vane, Sir John Robert (1927-2004)
- Archives and manuscripts
About this work
File consists of final versions of papers, draft papers and photographs of experiment results (to be used in the final article) related to the published paper by D.J. Smith and J.R. Vane, "The Relationship Between the Penetration of Tryptamine and 5-Hydroxytryptamine into Smooth Muscle and the Associated Contractions", Journal of Physiology, vol.186 no.2, p284-294, October 1966. Details include:
Printers typeset proof copy of the paper.
4 earlier drafts of the paper, some with annotations including handwritten drawings of tables and figures.
Correspondence between Vane and the publisher including; letter from Vane to Professor Jack Mongar, Department of Pharmacology, University College London (editor at Journal of Physiology) thanking him for suggested changes to the manuscript and detailing what changes he had then made (29 November 1966); letter from Mongar to Vane saying that he had passed the manuscript (no. 396) on to the Press Editor (30 November 1966); and letter from Bob Hodges (Press Editor) saying that the paper had been accepted and sent to press with only a few minor modifications (8 December 1966).
A recorder output from an experiment and used as figure 1 in the paper. The printout is from a test on a rat stomach strip which was carried out 27 October 1962.
Photographs used as figures in the article including; figure 1 (X35/3/1836); figure 2 (X12/55/170); figure 3 (34/29/1); figure 4 (34/29/2) including a hand drawn template for the photograph; and figure 5 (X12/55/176).
Handwritten notes including; experiment results, references and questions.
Letter dated 11 April 1963 from John at the Royal College of Surgeons regarding the results of an experiment.
Postcard from Dr Hugh Blasko, Depratment of Pharmacology, Oxford, regarding information on pH (undated).
A paper titled, "Federation Meetings April 1963" and "Studies Relating Contractions and Entrance of 5-Hydroxytryptamine and Tryptamine in Smooth Muscle".
Recorder output from tests conducted in November 1964.
Further handwritten notes, tables of results and graphs in relation to figures 2, 3, and 4 used in the paper.
Physical description
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