Persons or organisations featured in this material include:
Lafayette; Dublin see Aldrich Blake
Laignel-Lavastine; Prof
Lane-Claypon; Miss
Lacy; George de
Lang; J S
Lateran Museum
Laurence; Mrs
Law Land Co
Lawrence; Edward
Leakey; L S B
Lee; W M
Leeming; J H
Le B el; Mons
Lechavalier; Mons
Lejeune; F
Lelean; Col
Lepine; G
Le Puy-en-Velay Museum
Levey; Colonel see Gold Coast Intelligence Bureau
Lewis; J G
Lewis; H K & Co
Library of Congress Washington
Lier & Co
Lieven; Dr W A
Livingstone; Dr
Liveing; Edwin
Liversidge, Prof., Executors of
Lloyd & Co
Lobley; J H
Loch; Lord
Lockhart; E
Londoner's Circle
London History Society
London Hospital Gazette
London Hospital
London and Middlesex Archaeological Society
London Midland and Scottish Railway Company
London Missionary Society
Long; John W
Longbottom; F W
Loth; Professor
Lovibond; A
Lowndes-Yates; Miss
Lubrano; Luigi
Luca; Albert de
Luzac & Co