This volume has been labelled 'Obligant's Book for all (Private and Parochial)'; however it contains no information about Obligants responsible for paying board, and as such has been listed separately. It was created by Dr C. C. Easterbrook and is an index of all patients resident between 1909 and 1916 and their rate of board. The inside cover contains notes made by Dr C. C. Easterbrook relating to how the index has been laid out and a guide to his abbreviations. The volume is indexed by patient surname and names are grouped by sex and status (certified or voluntary). Information contained includes patient name, number, date of admission, and financial classification into Departments 1, 2 or 3 and the rate of board. Changes to rates of board are also recorded, along with abbreviations which relate to the type of ward patients were in and if they had parole.
The earliest admission date in this volume is 1857 and the latest is 1916.