UK Reports and Frameworks
- Date:
- 1997-2014
- Reference:
- PP/CLI/C/2/4
- Part of:
- Paul Clift: archives
- Archives and manuscripts
About this work
“Out and About; Findings from the United Kingdom Gay Men's Sex Survey 2002. Original research report”, Sigma Research, the Terence Higgins Trust, Community HIV/AIDS Prevention Strategy (CHAPS), Healthy Gay Scotland, 2003.
“Working Class Gay Men. Redefining community, restoring identity. Research report”, Sigma Research, London Gay Men's HIV Prevention Partnership, 2004.
“Wharfside Patients forum, the patients' voice in how our clinic is run. Annual Report” Centre for sexual health, the Jeffries wing, 2005
“Managing HIV: a new role for GPs”, PatientView in collaboration with the Terrence Higgins Trust, 2001.
“The NHS Outcomes Framework 2015/16”, December 2014.
“NHS Five Year Forward View”, October 2014.
“NHS Consultation and Public Involvement Requirements. A Summary”, Healthline, November 2004.
“Time to test for HIV: Expanded healthcare and community HIV testing in England; interim report”, The Health Protection Agency, 2010.
“HIV Public Knowledge and Attitudes”, National AIDS Trust, 2014.
“Review of HIV Service User Engagement in South London; A research report to Lambeth and Croydon PCTs on behalf of South London Primary Care Tusts”, discussion document, 2008
“Sexual Health Promotion Needs of HIV Positive Gay Men”, Michael Rooney and Stephen Taylor; Health First, 1997.
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