Reviews, 361-380
- Date:
- 1957-1958
- Reference:
- PP/AWD/C/7/361-380
- Part of:
- Daley, Sir (William) Allen (1887-1969)
- Archives and manuscripts
About this work
361, Baumgartner, Leona and Paxter, Jean, "Challenge of Fetal Loss, Prematurity, and Infant Mortality - assessing the Local Situation" Journal of the American Medical Association, 21 Jun 1958, vol 167, no 8, pp 936-44. Your Health 39
362, Eliot, Martha M, "Deaths Around Birth - the National Score" Journal of the American Medical Association, 21 Jun 1958, vol 167, no 8, pp 945-9. Your Health 40
363, Verhoestraete, L J and Puffer, Ruth R, "Challenge of Fetal Loss, Prematurity, and Infant Mortality - a Worlds View" Journal of the American Medical Association, 21 Jun 1958, vol 167, no 8, pp 950-59 Your Health 41
364, Report of the Scottish Health Services Council 1957 (HMSO, 1958). Your Health 42
365, World Health Organization. The First Ten Years of the World Health Organization (1958)
366, Elliott, A, "Problem Families in Kent. The Child Help Service" Medical Officer, 1 Aug 1958, vol 100, no 5, pp 87-91. Your Health 44
367, Camacho, L G and Vildosola, J, "Algunos aspectos de la mortalidad infantil en el Ecuador" (Some features of infant mortality in Ecuador) Bol. Oficina Sanitaria Panamericana, Jul 1958, vol 45, no 1, pp 1-6. Your Health 45
368, Backer, K H, "The Health System and the Medical Profession in Denmark" Danish Medical Bulletin, Aug 1958, vol 5, no 6, pp 185-200. Your Health 46
369, Barclay, R W and Gray, Edythe A, "Health Problems of American Seamen as measured by Hospital Statistics" Public Health Report, Jul 1958, vol 73, no 7, pp 585-9. Your Health 47
370, Ministry of Health. Report of the Ministry of Health for the Year ended 31st December, 1957. Part I. 1.The National Health Service. 2.Welfare, Food, and Drugs, Civil Defence (1958)
371, Titmus, Richard, Essays on "The Welfare State" (George Allen and Unwin, 1958). BMJ
372, Brockington, Fraser, World Health (Penguin, 1958)
373, Local Government (Leader) Dec 1958. [By Daley]
374, Northern Ireland Tuberculosis Authority. Twelfth Annual Report Year ended 31st Day of December 1957. (1958)
375, Charron, K C, "Public Health and the Hospital and Diagnostic Services Programme" Canadian Journal of Public Health, Aug 1958, vol 49, no 8, pp 323-34. Your Health 49
376, Patton, J L, "The Assessment of Sickness Absence, with Special Reference to Refuse Collectors" Medical Officer, 19 Sep 1958, vol 100, no 12, pp 193-4. Your Health 50
377, Sylvester, P K, "The Changes in an Open-Air School over Thirty Years"
378, Carlin, C E, "Caracteristics de la silicosis en la minas del Peru. Estudio epidemiologico preliminar" (Characteristics of silicosis in Peruvian minees. A preliminary epidemiological study) Rev. Med. Exper., Dec 1957, vol 11, nos. 1/2, pp1-27. English summary
379, Northern Ireland, Government of. Report on Health and Local Government Administration in Northern Ireland during the year ended 31st December, 1957 (1958)
380, The Administration of the Hospital Service. 1959. BMJ
Physical description
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