Personal items and ephemera
- Date:
- 1887-1909
- Reference:
- PP/KEB/D/8
- Part of:
- Krafft-Ebing, Professor Richard Freiherr von
- Archives and manuscripts
About this work
Includes the following texts and music in KE's handwriting: songs composed by KE; notes on psychiatric clinic; letter draft to ministery of culture and education; KE ms. "Vorschläge zur Entlastung der Beob[achtungs]abtheilung", KE ms. text "Löbliches Professorenkollegium"; draft/copy of letter to ministry; "Vorschläge zur Entlastung der psychiatrischen Station"; "Theodor Körner und seine Zeit", written as a schoolboy (1858); contents of Richard Wagner's opera "Tannhäuser". Also includes: correspondence on situation of psychiatric clinic; one letter from Ferdinand d'Orleans (1887), and one from Paul Gassen re. "Erector" (1896); a list of KE obituaries; and 2 identical picture postcards of Mariagruen.
Physical description
1 file
Where to find it
Location Status Access Closed stores