Meetings / Workshops / Conferences 2000

March 2000-July 2001
Part of:
Professor Michael Ashburner: archives
  • Archives and manuscripts

About this work


Papers from a range of meetings attended by Ashburner in 2000 including:

- "Genome Based Gene Structure Determination" in June 2000;

- a Functional and Taxonomic Analysis of Metagenomes (FANTOM) meeting in September 2000;

- a Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) Workshop on Bioinformatics held in July 2001;

- a gene structuring meeting titled From Gene To Structure and Function II, held by the Wellcome Trust in March 2000;

- a Tri-Trypanosomatid Genome Network Meeting held in May 2000.


March 2000-July 2001

Physical description

1 file (in 2 parts)

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