Sun Fayre, Bethlem Royal Hospital

March 2015
Part of:
David Beales: archive
  • Born-digital archives
  • Online

Available to download

Contains 18 files

This contains born-digital items

Born-digital items are materials created in a digital format, including digital images, documents, websites, audio, video, email, and more.

Our born-digital items cover many file formats, some of which modern computer software may no longer support. We cannot guarantee that you can view the item once you have downloaded it.

    Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0)

    You can use this work for any purpose, as long as it is not primarily intended for or directed to commercial advantage or monetary compensation. You should also provide attribution to the original work, source and licence. Read more about this licence.


    Sun Fayre, Bethlem Royal Hospital. Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0). Source: Wellcome Collection.

    About this work


    A selection of digital pictures and scans of paintings by Beales that were chosen to be exhibited at Sun Fayre. This was an annual open day held by Royal Bethlem Hospital, which included an art display at the hospital's museum. Pictures chosen include the following:

  • "The Hospital"
  • "Songbird"
  • "City Girl"
  • Pictures from the "Cityscapes" series
  • Pictures from the "Treescapes" series
  • "High Street"
  • One picture from the "A Rake's Progress" series
  • The date given is taken from two files, which are dated March 2015. The other files do not have accurate timestamps.

    The master copies of the digital pictures, including alternative versions of the works, are in PP/DBL/A/1.


    March 2015

    Physical description

    18 image files 464 MB (486872091 bytes) Original media: Windows formatted flash drive

    Related material

    Wellcome holds the original paintings Wellcome also holds the paintings "The High Street" and "The Hospital".

    Appraisal note

    Digital material has been transferred from the original physical media to secure storage. The physical media has not been retained.

    Permanent link