Association of Area Medical Officers of Health

  • Association of Area Medical Officers of Health
  • Archives and manuscripts

About this work


These records consist of agendas and notes (as opposed to formal minutes) of meetings of the Association, and include a number of papers circulated to members in connection with meetings. The earlier items (1974-1976) are all xerox copies, as no set of signed minutes was kept; but from 1977 onwards the agendas and notes of meetings (though not all of the circulated papers) are the typed top copies.



Physical description

1 box

Acquisition note

The papers were received by the library at Wellcome Collection on permanent loan from Dr P.C. Moore of Shrewsbury, formerly the Honorary Secretary of the of the Association.

Biographical note

This body was set up as a result of local government reorganisation, as a successor to the Association of County Medical Officers of Health, when Medical Officers employed by local government for each county were replaced by Medical Officers based on the new Area Health Authorities within the National Health Service. Many former County Medical Officers of Health were re-employed by Area Health Authorities. The Association came into being early in 1974, and was dissolved in 1981 in anticipation of the abolition of Area Health Authorities in April 1982.

Related material

At Wellcome Collection: the records of the Association of County Medical Officers of Health are also held (SA/CMO).

Permanent link


Accession number

  • 110