Gwen Rankin's correspondence: History of NCT and Breastfeeding Promotion Group correspondence
- Date:
- 1985-2014
- Reference:
- SA/NCT/B/1/4/3/5
- Part of:
- National Childbirth Trust (NCT)
- Archives and manuscripts
Collection contents
About this work
Folder 1: Gwen Rankin's correspondence regarding attempts to collect memories from early NCT members and create a history of the NCT, as well as various Breastfeeding Promotion and general NCT correspondence. Also includes NCEPA (National Childbirth Education and Parenting Association) Lecture Series, case study scenarios for antenatal teachers; NCT Catalogue 2002/2003; and related papers and correspondence.
Folder 2: Letter and card from Gwen Rankin to NCT HQ, 2012, 2014.
Folder 2: Letter and card from Gwen Rankin to NCT HQ, 2012, 2014.
Physical description
1 file (in 2 parts)
Where to find it
Location Status Access Closed stores