248. 1967 J Barnes: Rape and Other Sexual Offences
249. 1977. A L Fieldhouse: The Medical Sociologist as patient.
250. 1965 R M Forrester: Salvage (Children with Defects).
251. 1974 K M Laurence: Effect of Early Surgery for Spina Bifida Cystica on Survival and Quality of Life.
252. 1972 D Llewellyn-Johnes: The Four Quarters of Pregnancy.
253. 1967 M A Menser, L Doods, J D Harley: A Twenty-Five Year Follow-up of Congenital Rubella.
254. Bridgnet Pym: The Making of a Successful Pressure Group.
255. 1964 J Rendle-Short: Maternal Rubella: The Practical Management of the Case.
256. 1966 Madeleine Simms: Freethinkers All (in Humanist).
257. 1967 Madeleine simms: Catholics in a Free Society (in Humanist).
258. 1979 Madeleine Simms: The Medical-Womer Question.
259. 1967 Mary Tannahill: Attempted Suicide.
260. 1965 G I Watson: Serological Studies on Second Attacks of Measles and Rubella.
261. 1963 World Health Organisation: Social Aspects of Obstetrics and Gynaecology.
262. 1961 Women in Council (journal of National Council of Women).
263. MR Yarrow: expert from Child Development.
264. 1970 Adoption: Research for the Independent Adoption Society concerning girls who eventually kept their babies having first requested adoption.
265. 1965 Adoption: Standing Conference of Societies registered for Adoption, report of conference.
266. 1964-5 National Council for the Unmarried Mother and her Child: annual reports.
267. 1968 Registrar General's Quarterly Return for England and Wales quarter ended 30 June.