Medical treatises based on the practice of Barbeyrac: by an anonymous pupil
- Date:
- Late 17th century
- Reference:
- MS.7126
- Part of:
- Barbeyrac, Charles (1629-1699), physician, Montpellier.
- Archives and manuscripts
About this work
Medical treatises based on the practice of Charles Barbeyrac, written by an anonymous pupil, containing some case histories and prescriptions.
ff. 4r.-51v. 'observations sur les fievres selon M.B.'.
ff. 25r.-67v. 'traité des maux veneriens'
ff. 68r.-69v. blank.
ff. 70r.-78v. 'de hygine et Dioeta [sic], tractatus primus'.
ff. 79r.-89r. 'tractatus secundus; de affectibus articulorum'.
ff. 89v.-91v. blank.
ff. 92r.-225v. 'historia generalis morborum', comprising.
ff. 92r.-136r. 'tractatus primus; de morbis capitis'.
ff. 136r.-158r. 'tractatus secundus; de mobis [sic] pectoris'.
ff. 158r.-225v. 'tractatus tertius; de morbis Infimi ventris'.
ff. 226r.-228r. table of contents of 'historia generablis morborum' (ff. 92r.-225v. above).
In French, but with some titles and prescriptions in Latin.
Physical description
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Where to find it
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Accession number
- acc. 349993