A collection of seventeen reprinted papers, and one typescript, most bearing Crick's initials, maintained together as a working reference file. All are unmarked unless indicated.
Note: one reprinted paper - Magdoff, Crick and Luzzati (1956), "The three-dimensional Patterson function of ribonuclease II" - has been removed from the file and placed together with Crick's other reprinted papers (see PP/CRI/I/1/9).
The file comprises the following reprinted papers:
1. E J Ambrose, A Elliott and R B Temple (1949), "New evidence on the structure of some proteins from measurements with polarized infra-red radiation";
2. Edward W Hughes and Walter J Moore (1949), "The crystal structure of beta-glycylglycine";
3. Gene B Carpenter and Jerry Donohue (1950), "The crystal structure of N-acetylglycine";
4. David P Shoemaker, Jerry Donohue, Verner Schomaker and Robert B Corey (1950), "The crystal structure of Ls-threonine";
5. E J Ambrose, C H Bamford, A Elliott, and W E Hanby (1951), "Water-soluble silk: an alpha-protein";
6. Linus Pauling and Robert B Corey (in two parts, 1951 and 1952), "The structure of proteins" (annotated on p. 736);
7. E J Ambrose and A Elliott (1951), "The structure of synthetic polypeptides. II. Investigation with polarized infra-red spectoscopy" (annotations on page 50);
8. Jerry Donohue (1953), "Hydrogen bonded helical configurations of the polypeptide chain";
9. N B Abbott and E J Ambrose (1953), "The configuration of the polypeptide chain in small peptides such as gramicidin S";
10. Jerry Donohue (1954), "Radial distribution functions of some structures of the polypeptide chain";
11. H Lindley and J S Rollett (1955), "An investigation of insulin structure by model building techniques" (annotation to Fig. 1, p. 186);
12. H Lindley (1955), "Some possible modifications of the alpha-helix configuration involving changes of direction and sense of the helix" (annotation to Fig. 3, p. 198);
13. L Brown and I F Trotter (1956), "X-ray studies of poly-L-alanine";
14. A Elliott and B R Malcolm (1958), "Chain arrangement and sense of the alpha-helix in poly-L-alanine fibres" (brief co-ordinates calculations at the margin of p. 38);
15. E M Bradbury, L Brown, A R Downie, A Elliott, W E Hanby and T R R McDonald (1959), "Alpha-helices and a new polypeptide fold in poly-B-benzyl-L-aspartate";
16. Eyvind Alver and Sven Furberg (1959), "Crystal and molecular structure of cytidylic acid b" (inscribed by Alver);
17. D M Blow (1960), "To fit a plane to a set of points by least squares";
18. R Langridge, C W Hooper and L D Hamilton (carbon typescript, date-stamped 26 January, 1960), "The molecular configuration of deoxyribonuclease acid. Part II. Molecular models and their Fourier transforms".