Reviews, 341-360

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Daley, Sir (William) Allen (1887-1969)
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341, Kraljevic, R, Perroni, J, Borel, H, Moya, H, Flores, L, and Salcedo, M, "La terpia asociada, cloramfenicol y vacuna antitifica, en la prenvcion de las recaidas de la tifoides y paratifus A." (Combined treatment by chloramphenicol and anti-typhoid vaccine to prevent relapses in typhoid and paratyphoid A fevers) Rev. Med. Chile, Sep 1957, vol 85, no 9, pp 525-30. Your Health 23

342, "Treatment of the grave complications of influenza with cortisone with antibiotics" No author, no journal and no date. Your Health 24

343, Schuler, P, Oyanguren, H, Marurana, V, Valenzuela, A, Cruz, E, Plaza, V, Schmidt, E and Haddad, R, "Intoxicacion por manganese. Estudio clinico y ambiental en un mineral de manganeso" (Maganese poisoning. A clinical and environmental study made in a maganese mine) Rev. Med. Chile, Nov 1957, vol 85, no 11, pp 623-30. Your Health 25

344, Abeliuk, S, Oyanguren, H and Matruana, V, "Dermatosis profesional arsenical en un mineral de cobre" (Occupational arsenical dermatosis in a copper mine) Rev. Med. Chile, Nov 1957, vol 85, no 11, pp 631-5. Your Health 26

345, Oyanguren, H, Schuler, P, Cruz, E, Guilon, C, Maturana, V and Valenzuela, A, "Estanosis: neumeconiosis bengna debda a inhalacion de polve y humo de estano (Tin poisoning: benign pneumoconiosis due to the inhalation of the powder and fumes oftin) Rev. Med. Chile, Dec 1957, vol 85, no 12, pp 685-95. Your Health 27

346, Kraljevic, O R, Peragnons, S E, Sabsedo [?], S M, "Estudio comparative del tratiemento de la fibre tifoida grave con cloramfenicol y cortisona exclusive" (A study comparing the treatment of grave typhoid fever by chloramphenicol alone and chloramphenicol together with cortesone) Rev Med. Chile, Dec 1957, vol 85, no 12, pp 695-707. Your Health 23

347, Gomez S, Ramos, G, Frenk, S, Cravioto, J and Chavez, Raquel, "Estudios sobre el nino desnutrido. No XIV. Mortalidad en la desnutricion del tercer grade" (Studies of the malnourished child. No XIV. Mortality in malnutrtion of the third degree) Gac. Med. de Mexico, Feb 1957, vol 87, no 2, pp 81-90

348, Barasi, F and Jeffreys, M "School teachers and the School Medical Examination" Medical Officer, 30 May 1958, vol 99, no 22, pp 317-22. Your Health 29

349, Rosen, George, A History of Medicine, with a Forward by Felix-Ibanez (MD Publications, 1958)

350, Brotherston, J H F, "William Putney Alison, Scottish Pioneer of Social Medicine" Medical Officer, 6 Jun 1958, vol [99?], no 23, pp 331-6. Your Health 30

351, Godoy Ramirez, F, Perez Fuentes, E, Trapaga Carrasco, C and Landa Pena, A, "Evaluaciones seriologicas para la infestigacion de sifilis en diversos grupos sociales de la Ciudad de Mexico" (Seriological tests for the inestigation of the incidence of syphilis in different social groups in the City of Mexico) Bol. Oficina Sanitaria Panamerciana, May 1958, vol 44, no 5, pp 394-400. Your Health 31

352, Godber, G E, "Health Services, Past, Present and Future" The Lancet, 5 Jul 1958, pp 1-6. Your Health 32

353, Roberts, L, "Greenhill Health Centre, Sheffield" Medical Officer, 20 Jun 1958, vol 99, no 25, pp 366-7. Your Health 33

354, Forbes, R Y, "Compulsory removal of Sick and Aged People from their Homes" Medical Officer, 27 Jun 1958, vol 99, no 26, pp 375-9. Your Health 34

355, Grundy, F, "The Teaching of Social Medicine and Public Health. A Review of Certain Trends" Public Health, Jul 1958, vol 72, no 4, pp 123-33. Your Health 35

356, Diaz, S, Delgado, A and Pereda, E, "Epidemiologia de la tuberculosis en Chile" (Epidemiology of tuberculosis in Chile) Rev. Servicio Nacional de Salud, Mar 1957, vol 2, no 1, pp 9-44. Your Health 36

357, Prieto, Lorenzo, "La lucha contra la anquilostomiasis en Portugal" (The campaign against ankylostomiasis in Portugal) Med. Trop., Apr 1958, vol 31, no 4, pp 297-317

358, Central Health Services Council. National Health Services Act, 1946. Report of the Central Health Services Council for the Year ended December 31st 1957, precede by a Statement by the Minister of Health (HMSO, 1958)

359, Ferguson, Thomas, Scottish Social Welfare 1864-1914 (E and S Livingstone, 1958). BMJ

360, Aranda, C, L and Montoya, A, C, "Morbilidad y accidentes del trabajo en una industria metalurgica chilena" (Sickness and accidents among workers in a Chilean metallurgucal plant) Rev. Servicio. Nacional de Salud, March 1957, vol 2, no 1, pp 69-100. Your Health 37



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