External Validation
- Date:
- 1994-2014
- Reference:
- SA/NCT/G/2
- Part of:
- National Childbirth Trust (NCT)
- Archives and manuscripts
Collection contents
About this work
The NCT originally taught antenatal teachers and breastfeeding counsellors in house, but in 1996 began to seek collaboration with a university. In September 1996, a contract for developing teaching was awarded to the University of Luton. Originally, it was intended to teach three pathways: antenatal, breastfeeding counselling and postnatal work, which would then be validated together under one umbrella qualification. However, the main area of focus became the Antenatal Pathway as this had been established as a training programme longest and had sufficient resources to support the introduction of a diploma programme.
Physical description
1 digital item 1.05 MB (1108480 bytes)