Explorers Cuttings Book 4

  • The Wellcome Foundation Ltd
1924 - 1930
Part of:
Wellcome Foundation Ltd
  • Archives and manuscripts

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The original index from the front of this volume has been reproduced in an edited version below. The volume contains 313 pages.

** The original item is too fragile to be produced and can be consulted on microfilm. **

AIRCRAFT YEAR BOOK 1927 (no. 2) 264, 265,266
AFRICA - across AFRICA by motor car, 2, 25; Central Africa Exploration 136; East Africa 145; woman's car journey in Africa 199; trek from Sudan To Algiers 256-8, 263-4,266,269; non stop flight to South Africa 282-283
ALGARISSON North Pole Flight 27,28,29,49
ALGIERS to Cape Town by motor 30,41
Captain Roald AMUNDSEN and his ship 'Maud':
- attempt to drift across the Polar basin "Maud" given up 4; north pole flight 27,31,33,34, 35, 36, 38, 59, 135,137; plans for flight to the pole 24,27; arrival at Spitzbergen 28; North Pole flight started 31,32; no news of 33,35,36; Macmillan to search 33,39,41; Nansen's view of A's flight, reasons for delayed return 37; search for Amundsen - French Government's offer, Norwegian Seaplanes search 38, 39, 41; Sir Douglas Mawson's opinion of A's chances 38; in his Arctic kit 42; safe 42; pictures of A's flight to North Pole 43; return of 45,47,49,50,51; to try again to reach North Pole 45,50; photo of A's seaplane 46; result of A's flight 47; fight for life 49; welcome home - royal reception 51 and King's message to 52; plans 52,53,57,58, 59; "Maud" 7 years in the Arctic (Aviation Book no. 2) 55; "Maud" back from the arctic 56; purchased Italian airship 58,59; presented with Livingstone gold medal 97; Amundsen-Ellsworth expedition 97; "Maud", icebound for 24 months 99,100; polar flight in Norge I 100,102,106,107,109,110,135,37 (Norge arrives at Pulham109,110,111,112; construction of 113, 115; departure for Oslo 113,114; arrival at Oslo 114,116,117; arrival in Russia 118,119; voyage delayed 119; at Spitzbergen 120; flight 121,122,123,132; passes over North Pole 121,122; dismantled 128); airship makes experimental flights 103; departure for Polar flight 107; declines to lecture in America 125; dispute with Nobile 137; remarks re British explorers 147; resigns from Geographical Society 146-147; Amundsen & Scott South Pole expeditions 147; Nicholas II land not found 164; relief efforts 180-3, 186,187,188-192, 194-197, 191, 192,202,204,207; Italian criticism 190, 199; cost - Gen. Nobile found 182-185; Polar triumphs north and south 208; fate of 209,210,213; photo of seaplane floating 210; photo of A's Base, Ross Ice Barrier 211; obituary of 214; petrol tank found 215; Antarctic discoveries 238; Amundsen-Ellsworth - Nobile Arctic flight (Aviation Book no. 2) 265.
ANCHEYUNGA attempt to climb 299,300,302-4,307-8, 310
Roy Chapman ANDREWS, - fossil fields of Mongolia 28; Prehistoric Asia 58; dinosaur eggs 58
ANTARCTIC whaling 142-143; return of government expedition to 145; French Flight 234; British claims to sovereignty 243,277; plans for Antarctic expedition 264; Survivors of 11 Antarctic expeditions at dinner 291;
ARCTIC - record non-stop flight 107
ARCTURUS - missing expedition ship 27; ship safe 28
ARMANT, Sarcophagus of a Sacred Bull in Serapeum found at 140
Captain ATKINSON, death of 237,239,241
AUSTRALIA, Central Expedition 54,131, 137; desert trek across 55; projected expedition to unexplored areas 174;

T Alexander BARNS 'Trans-African Expedition' 62
Sir G. Hassanien Bay BEY, lone flight to Egypt 291
Capt. BOOK KAAVALOA, photo of memorial to 203; Antarctic Continent 204
BOSTON-HARVARD EXPEDITION - New Finds In Egypt 20,52; Led by Dr Reisner 137,138; Sarcophagus found at Gizeh 138; Wellcome's invitation to meet Dr Reisner 52
BRITISH ARCTIC EXPEDITION Queen Bee Mascot and memorial to 98
Brig-Gen (Hon) C G BRUCE awarded Royal Geographical Society, Founders Medal 27,42
Lt. Com. BYRD, Polar Flight 101,105,108,117,123,124 125-127,129; departure for Spitzbergen 104,106; Byrd and Amundsen - race for Pole 119; to visit England 121; Royal Aero Club entertains 125-126; in London 126,127,129; plans for South Pole flight 123,126,139,158; presented with National Geographical Society's Hubbard Gold Medal 131; Byrd-Bennett Polar flight (Aviation Book no. 2) 264; Livingstone & Joy invited to join Antarctic expedition 148; Byrd & Wilkins - Antarctic Exp. 167-168, 238, and as rivals 174; preparations for Antarctic expedition 201; Antarctic expedition 206,212,215,217,220,227, 232,235,236,239,240,241, 246, 250, 291, 292,295; photo of 210; photo of Ross Ice Barrier 211; research by air G G Taylor 206, photos of 207, 210; stowaways onboard ship 220; island discovered on Antarctic Expedition. 224; message to Sir H W Wilkins 229; At the Great Ice Barrier 229; tribute to Captain Scott 233; Antarctic Exp. New Ishamel discoveries 234; Antarctic exp. wireless message, received from 235,238-239,245. 250; ship adrift in Antarctic 236; new lands found 239,249; advance party held up by gale 240; arrival at Great Ice Barrier and memorial at 246; dash by air to South Pole 277-278, 283; air conquest of South Pole 278; South Polar flight controversy 279,280,281; South Polar flight 283, 296, 298, 301, 302; message to National Geographical Society 284; promoted to Rear Admiral 285; left for Bay Of Whales 288; South Pole Expedition - help required 296; message of thanks to British & Norwegian ships by 298; USA new land discoveries with S G Cairns and return to New Zealand 305,310; start for home 301, 302,305,310

CANADA, death of English exp. party in 264
CAPE TO CAIRO motor expedition reached register of Nile at 154
J L CAPE how an expedition is planned 235
Lake CHAD to Congo by tractor cars 26
Captain CHALLE and Col Borges Atlantic Flight, Seville to Montevideo 284
Dr CHARCOT'S plans in Pourquoi Pas 189
Major P E CHEESEMAN, - in unknown Arabia 5
Dr CHREE, retirement of 31
Mr Noel CLARKE- tramps in Africa 148,150
Sir Alan COBHAM, to fly over Everest 23; tour round Britain 167; London to Cape Town 283, 285.
Captain COOK, photo of memorial to 203,204; belief in Antarctic 204;
COOK & PEARY, chain discovery of North Pole 99
J S COPE 'Secrets Of The Antarctic' 235
Capt. COURTNEY - at Lisbon 'New York via the Azores' 177; in New York 202;
Captain CROFTON, photo of 248

Lieut. D'ARCIS North Pole Expedition 133
DAILY GRAPHIC 3,4.23,24,28,29,33,34,42-46,49,98-104,106, 108,110,112,114-116,121,126,128,129
DAILY SKETCH 138,141-3,148,152,154,157,161, 150,165,168,178,188,209,213, 227, 232,245,246, 253,261,270
DAILY TELEGRAPH 6-22,23,27-33,36-40,45-47,49,50-51,54-55, 58-61,63-72,93,97,100-105 105-107, 109, 110,113,114,117-121,123,125, 127,131,133,135, 136, 138, 139,143,146, 148, 150-53, 155, 157, 158, 160-163, 165-8, 171-4,176-177,180-5,189, 190,193,195, 197, 199, 201-2,204-6,209,210,213,215,219, 220-6, 228, 234-241,243,246,248-250,252, 254,255-8, 260-266, 269, 270,272, 273,275
Madame Alexandra DAVID - expedition to Lhassa 29
Prof. Sir E DAVID 'The Antarctic' 212
DE LA MOTTE Antarctic Expedition 146
"DISCOVERY" to explore Falkland Islands dependencies 24; Antactic Expedition 39,41,59, 99; bay stowaway 254; departs for Falkland Islands 52; return of the 53; on view to visitors 144,146; returns from South Pole Expedition 141,142,143; as whaling vessel 209; royal party inspect 246; Discovery II launched as a whale research vessel - 272-273; Duke Of Gloucester visit to Discovery II 283
Mr DITEMAN Atlantic flight home 270
Mr G M DYOTT no news of 31,32

Miss EARHART & Mr Stulty to abandon flight 178
EGYPT - exploration of deserts 18
Lt Col. Carl Benjamin EILSON, aeroplane, accident 227; plane damaged 227; missing 282; search for 287; death of 301-302; photo of wreckage 306
Mount ELBURZ - Georgian Geographical Society Climb 57
Mount EVEREST lecture on 2,4; postage stamp 3; 'Report Of 1924' 3, 97; physiological difficulties in the ascent of 4; 'The Higher Life'19; photo of 26; German Expedition 30,31; 1926 Expedition postponed 103,114,120; proposed Italian expedition 139; lessons of Everest expeditions - acclimatisation to high altitudes 133; Tibetan Prohibition Of Everest Expeditions 114,120;

Mr E FARMER missing in attempt to climb Kinchinjunga 247
Col. FAWCETT, William Courteville on the missing explorer 139,144; reported death of 204
Captain (Dr) Wilhelm FILCHNER German expedition adventure 166, in Berlin 190
Rosita FORBES, - adventures in Abyssinia 30; "From Red Tea To Blue Nile" 60,61,63-71,72-93
FRANKLIN relics of expedition 136
FRENCH EXPEDITION to North Pole 123,133; across Sahara, Algiers to Lake Chad 234

GERMAN ZEPPELIN Flight To North Pole 50
GIZA tomb discovery 52
Mr & Mrs T A GLOVER safe at Mas Tohad 48
Captain GRAFTON - across Africa by car 248
Dr Wilfred J GRENFILL 3
Dr Jacot GUILLARMOD death of 50

HEDGES -V- DAILY EXPRESS libel action 149
M Sven HEDIN 'My Life As An Explorer' 134; Swedish Expedition return from China 175.
Sir S HOARE, Congratulations sent by 187
H HUDSON church window as memorial 213

ITALIA - L'Illustrazione Italiana 1; Citta Di Milano on supply base to Italia 48,149,150-155,161-165; 32; plans for North Pole flight 144; Polar Expedition: search for missing airship 146-48,165-8,172-5,176-8,180-2, 186-187; Italia's SOS received from Franz Josef Land 166; flight to North Pole begun 168,169, 170; return from North Pole in storm 170;in Spitzbergen 170; crew in peril 176; rescue of crew 177-79,181-184,186,188, 189-192, 193-6; composition of 3 parties 183; photo of crew 184, 201; delay in rescue work 189, 190, 191; crew homecoming 196,197,199,200,202; inquiry into 197; cost of relief 197; Major Mariano 201,202; further search for survivors 203,204,208,210,213; Scientific Observations - Citta Di Milano 212; first sight of castaways 221; 'tragedy of' by J D Guidici 221-226; fate of Dr Malmgren 222; why Malgren stayed behind 223; Viglieri's encampment reached 224; how the disasters happened 225;

JACKSON-MAJORS central African exploration 136
Com D G JEFFREY third expedition to South Pole 165

KANCHENJUNGA EXPEDITION - to start shortly 299,300,302; attempt to climb 299,300,302, 303, 304, 307, 308, 310; photos of 300; Capt. left for Bombay 302; arrival at Darjeeling 307; plans for 307; choosing the route for 308
KOZLOFF EXPEDITION to Mongolia 27, 29, 56, 141
KARAKORAM EXPEDITION - progress of 267,303,304,308,310

Capt. Halm -LARSEN - new land claimed for Norway 286,287; Norwegian Antarctic Expedition 289,297; work of 301
D LIVINGSTONE - in the footsteps of 6,1,21,22,23,24; memorial at Blantyne 151, 166,167,181; his old servant 250; his early home 135,136,239,241; memorial to 261,262,265
Mount LOGAN - Canadian Expedition to climb 18,24,25,40,52; pictures of 57

M.A. EXPEDITION through drifting ice, Heard Island, 284; reached Antarctic Circle 285;
MACKAY & MURRAY find skeletons on Wrangel Island 1
Donald MACMILLAN Polar Expedition 42,46,50,54; abandoned 49; at Labradore 52; Greenland Expedition 131;
MR C J MADIGAN, aerial survey of Central Australia 251; Central Australia dry lake 286
Mr J W S MARR assistant biologist to Afghanistan North Pole Flight 27,28; presented with Alsatian dog 29; Marr's Petrol Leader 2nd Polar Expedition 25
Dr MARSHALL "Discovery" on whaling expedition 148
Prof. Ross MARVIN, murder revealed after 17 years 133
Sir D MAWSON's Antarctic Expedition:
- views on Gaham Land discoveries 229; visit to England 238; Australian expedition to Antarctic to begin 236-239, 244-246, 249-253;donations to 245; started 252,254,262,270; photos of officers 254; 'Discovery's voyage by Capt. Davies 256; plans for 267; photos of Discovery 268,271; in the south with - plans and hopes 269; message from King & Queen 270; Antarctic Expedition 271-272,274,277,282,284, 285,287,289, 290-298, 301, 305, 306, 307, 308 309,310; meets Norwegian Expedition (Captain Larsen) 289; at Kerguelen Island 290,293, 301, 305; coal shortage 296; work in Antarctic Deeps 297,298; new land in Antarctic 289, 297-299; voyage home 305-307, 308,309, 310; king's message to 309; views on wealth of Antarctic 309,310; possible return to Antarctic 310,313; at Melbourne 310
MCCARTHY [also MACCARTHY] expedition to climb Mount Logan 40, 52,54,55,57,113,116
Lady Dorothy MILLS return from Africa 121
Miss M MOIR, . - crossed Nubian Desert 3
MOND EXPEDITION, led by Dr R Mond & Dr W B Emery 140
MONGOLIA - archaeological discoveries in 3, 4
G MURRAY-LEVICK 'Explorers Of Antarctic' 146

Dr NANSEN - Rector of St Andrews 97; to join new Russian Expedition 209; appeal for preservations of Dr Nansens Ship 'Fram' 276; NANSEN & ECKENER, join Expedition by zeppelin 220; plans for North Pole Expedition by airship 259,286; ship from Arctic 276; Zeppelin Arctic Expedition 286; illness serious 307
NEW YORK ZOOLOGICAL SOCIETY EXPEDITION - no news of 27 General Umberto NOBILE, Italian - return after Polar Flight 131; Kings Bay as base for Scientific Expedition 148; Cross Dropped At North Pole By Gen. Nobile 171; North Pole Flight 171,177,184; 'Story Of Flight' 177; rescued 177-86,188-96, 182,185,186,187; Nobile's Report On Italia Disaster 202
Harold NOICE - criticisms against Wrangel Island explorers withdrawn 30
NORTH CAPE - holiday resort 155
NORTH POLE rivals for discovery of 99; no land at 123;
Lt. Col. E F NORTON, "Flight For Everest, 1924" 97
NORWEGIAN EXPEDITION - practical and scientific aims of 269

Consul O'NEILL, death of 38
OXFORD UNIVERSITY EXPEDITION 24,36; Arctic Expedition 26; to Greenland led by Dr Longstaff 151,166,167,.181

PALESTINE SKULL - exploration of cave sites 51
Bjerring PETERSEN, death of 54
POLAR death toll of the poles 35; Canadian claim to Polar regions 42; preparing for the north pole flight 44; animal life in polar regions 47; story of polar flight 48; claims of different countries for the Poles 53; preparing for a Polar flight 102; monoplanes for Polar expedition make first flights 103; letter bible and the pole 121; exploration by air 130; advantages of airships 137; by zeppelin 220; life on a Polar Expedition 235; value of 238;
POLISH AIRMEN, cause of failure of flight Le Bournget To New York 202
H G PONTING 'British Polar Pioneers Wanted' 219

QUEEN SHUB AD - bobbed head of, discovered 188

Dr K RASMUSSEN return from the Arctic 5; Melville to Bening Straits Expedition 243
Dr Hamilton RICE exploration of the Amazon 104
ROSS ICE BARRIER 21, photo of 211
ROYAL GEOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY 26,27,42,161; flight across Arctic 157

SAHARA - crossing by motor car 5, 25; expedition 139
"William SCORESBY" Antarctic Expedition 146, 147; research vessel 311-313
Captain SCOTT - memorial to be unveiled at Devenport 52,53,54; report of Antarctic Expedition 100; Scott Polar Research Institute 122,125; Memorial Fund 131; Expedition to South Pole 146; film of Antarctic Expedition 217,220,239,247; finders of Scott's body 237,239,241; 'Scott's Last Journey' by Rear Ad. Evans 253.
SHACKLETON - skeletons of 4 of Shackleton's crew found after 10 years 1; memorial 139, 148,152,160,
SEMENOFF-TIANSHAWSKY - Russian Explorer, Soviet zeppelin flight to North Pole 138
SIMPSON - Roosevelt Field Museum Expedition to Eastern Turkistan 29
Mr M A SNOW, expedition to Upper Amazon River 3; finds relics of Stefansson expedition 94.
SOUTH PACIFIC - voyage of discovery to 98
SOUTH POLAR CONTINENT - first landing on 26
STAMPS, Mount Everest 3
H M STANLEY, death of the old servant of 24; relic at Ostend 139; death of Lady Stanley 135; exploration of Congo 145; Lady Stanley - when Britain refused Congo 145
Dr STEFANSSON, relics of Expedition 94,95, 96 (95 Captain Lane); equipment for Arctic flying 245; by air to Near East 249, 250.
SWEDISH air ship - Captain Tornberg 165

TABLOIDS - chimpanzee eats 250 grains chocolate coated quinine Tabloids 62; Tabloid Saccharin Found Amongst Stefansson Relics 95.
TERRY Expedition to explore North West Australia 31
TIMES 2-5,18,20,21,23-32,35-42, 44-58,97-100,102-6,108-9, 111,113,114,117,125,126, 128,131,133,135-40,142-43, 145-48,151-171,173-5,177-191,193-7,199-204,207-13, 215-18,282-310,312-3.
Baron TOLL discovery of remains of his boat 142
Mr Edmond TRAININ, to cross Africa by car 2,25
Mr F TUCKETT Cape solo flight 275
Owen TWEEDY 'Wanderings In Africa' 255-58,263-4,266,269

U.S. EXPEDITION To Greenland 131

VICTORIA FALLS, views of 67
E VACHETTI crossed Sahara in small car 286

B WABO outfits for expeditions (New York State Journal Of Medicine Press Reviews no. 13) 122
Mr J M WARDIE Petermans Peak Expedition 294-95
WATKINS, new Cataracts found in Labrador by 250
(Sir) Captain Hubert WILKINS - safe 28-29,139; missing 29,121,138; at Thursday Island 31; return from exploring Australia 32; Antarctic meteorology 37; Polar flight 101-6,109,118-20; at Point Barrow 104,105; to Lewis 106; surprise flight into Polar regions 107; perils of Arctic flight 114; injured 120; hope to find "blind spot" 138; plan to fly over South Pole 158; Royal Geographical Society medal awarded to 161; to be entertained in Paris 161; becomes a knight 166-7,178,180; in London and Lisbon 167
- WILKINS & Lt. EILSON : Trans-Polar flight 150,156-162.164; at Bergen 168; at Kings Bay 168; in Oslo 170; in Berlin official reception 174; arrival in New York 187,191
- Arctic flight story 178; air explorations of Antarctic 212,213,215-220,227-231; Antarctic Expedition begin 213,215-20,227-232; at Montevideo 202, 215; arrival at main base 218; Antarctic Expedition delayed by weather 228; his Antarctic (Grahameland) discoveries 228-229, 240,312,213; naming new discoveries 231, 232; aerial survey and map of Graham Land 233; Antarctic Expedition - plans for return of 233-234; last flight 234; photos of Antarctic Expedition 241 (Grahameland & Deception Island),311,312; plans for new Antarctic Expedition 243,261; to North Pole by submarine 243,249; North Pole postponed submarine voyage 245; returning to America 249; and the bishop 255; Antarctic Expedition departure from New York 261; Antarctic Expedition 272,274,276,277,282-85, 287-9,296-9,302; base reached 282; preparations for Ross Sea flight 284; flight over Graham Land 285; 300 miles of new land 287,288,289,296,312,313; chartering the Antarctic 288-9; search for 297, 298; safe 298-9; dash south 302; work of Antarctic Expedition 302-3; return to New York 307; Antarctic Expedition 311-313; flying in Antarctic by HW 313

Sir J YOUNGHUSBAND, - survey on Everest Expedition 136
Dr A M YONGE, biological survey Barrier Reef Expedition 164
Prof. YUAN, Eastern China And Turkestan Expedition 228


1924 - 1930

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