Reviews, 41-60

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Daley, Sir (William) Allen (1887-1969)
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41, Silverton, M I, "Poliomyelitis in Rye and Environs in 1952" Medical Officer, 21 Nov 1953, vol 90, no 21, pp 245-50. Your Health 74

42, Research Council for Economic Security. Publication no 83. Economic Aspects of Prolonged Illness. A Discussion by Industry, Labor, Medical and Community Representatives. Proceedings of the Autumn Meeting. (Chicago, 1952); Research Council for Economic Security. Publication no 90. Survey of Prolonged Non-Occupational Illness. Nature, Extent and Economic Aspects among Employed persons. Worksheets and Instructions; Research Council for Economic Security. Publication No 93. Prolonged Illness. Proceedings of the Second Regional Meeting, Pittsburgh, March 1952); Research Council for Economic Security. Publication No 94. Prolonged Illness Study. Report No 1. Prolonged Occupational Illness. A Nationwide Study among Employed Persons. Purpose and Procedure; Research Council for Economic Security. Publication No 95. Prolonged Non-Occupational Illness. A Nationwide Study among Employed Persons. First Progress Report. (Chicago 1952) Your Health 75-79

43, Logan, W P D, General Practitioners" Records. An Analysis of the Clinical Records of Eight Practices During the period Apr 1951-March 1952 General Register Office. Studies on Medical and Population Subjects No 7 (HMSO, 1953) Your Health 80

44, Reports of the Dept of Health for Scotland and the Scottish Health Services Council 1952 (HMSO, 1953)

45, Ministry of Health. Report of the Ministry of health covering the period from 1st Apr 1950 to 31st December 1951. Part III. On the State of the Public Health being the Annual Report of the Chief Medical Officer for the Year 1951 (HMSO, 1953)

46, Fisher, Mary, "The Work of Medical Officers at Child Welfare Clinics" Medical Officer 20 Jun 1953 vol 89, no 25, pp 269-70

47, Yule, J, "The Child who does not make Progress whether due to Backwardness, Mental Defects or Emotional or other Causes" Medical Officer 4 Jul 1953 vol 90 no 1 pp 5-7

48, Scott, J A, "The Contribution of the Health Centre to the Public Health" Journal of the Royal Institute of Public Health and Hygiene Jul vol 16 no 7 pp 186-96

49, Joules, H, "Preventive Approach to Common Diseases of the Lung" BMJ 27 Nov 1954, pp 1259-63. Your Health 33

50, Gallego Barcina, F, "Tuberculosis en Polanco. La precesion del contagio en el sexo como unidad de medida de la influencia del hacinamiento en la tuberculosis en la tuberculosis familiar," Rev. Sanidad e Hig. Publico, Mar-Apr vol 26, nos. 3/4, pp 125-88

51, New York Academy of Medicine. The Epidemiology of Health. A New York Academy of Medicine Book (Health Education Council, 1953)

52, Batista, D, "Aspectos epidemiológicos da tuberculose no Amazonas." (Epidemiological aspects of Tuberculosis in Amazonas) Bol. Oficina Sanitaria Panamericana, May 1953, vol 34, no 5, pp 433-47

53, Simpson, Elenore, "The Future of Child Welfare Clinics" Public Health, Jul 1953, vol 66, no 10, pp 156-8

54, Morgan, J B S, "Past and Present Duties of Medical Officers of Health. But what of the Future?" Public Health, Jul 1953, vol 66, no 10, pp 150-153

55, Saint, E G, Abrecht, Helen F and Turner, Caroline N, "Old Age: a Clinical, Social and Nutritional Survey of Seventy Patients over Sixty-Five Years of Age seen in a Hospital Out-Patient Dept in Melbourne" Medical Journal of Australia, 30 May 1953, vol 1, no 22, pp 757-64

56, Northern Ireland, Government of: Ministry of Health and Local Government. Report on Health and Local Government Administration in Northern Ireland during the Year ended 31st December 1951(HMSO, 1953)

57, Gore, A T and Hartson, W, "The Measurement of Public Opinion - an Approach to Health Education in Tuberculosis" Monthly Bulletin. Ministry of Health and Public Health Lab. Service, Jul 1953, vol 12, pp 131-44

58, Udell, L, "Philadelphia Plan for Home Care of Chronically Ill Persons" Journal of the American Medical Association, 11 Jul 1953, vol 152, no 11, pp 990-93

59, Henderson, J L, "The Evolution of Child Care" The Lancet, 8 Aug 1953, pp 261-6

60, Cicocco, A, Denson, P M and Horvitz, D G, "On the Association between Health and Social Problems in the Population" Milbank Memorial Fund quarterly, Jul 1953, vol 31, no 3, pp 265-90



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