Cardiac Catheterization
- McMichael, Sir John, FRCP, FRCPE, FRS (1904-1993) Cardiologist
- Date:
- 1993
- Reference:
- PP/JMM/C/2
- Part of:
- McMichael, Sir John (1904-1993)
- Archives and manuscripts
About this work
Consists mainly of material relating to the October 1993 exhibition at the Royal College of Physicians in memory of Sir John McMichael, Cardiac Output in Man by a Direct Fick Method: Cardiac Catheterization - The Early Days. This was held to coincide with a symposium on Advanced Cardiological Practice. Items include photographs, articles and caption cards included in the exhibition, along with associated correspondence.
Physical description
1 file
Location of duplicates
Copies of some of the photographs included in the exhibition are held by Wellcome Images at L22875-L22880
Where to find it
Location Status Access Closed stores