Materials on soils and vegetation (chiefly printed)

Part of:
Lewis, Edward Aneurin
  • Archives and manuscripts

About this work


Contents page on vegetation.

Printed material: The Empire Journal of Experimental Agriculture, October 1942.

Printed material: The Root Systems of some British Somaliland Plants I-IV.

Report: Second draft report on Vegetation Classification for the approval of the Vegetation Committee, Pasture Research conference. Prepared by P.J. Greenway.

Report: A field-key to some of the trees and shrubs in Tanganyika Territory..

Volume containing photographs of trees.

A map to illustrate report on a study of the North Mossurise Tsetse Problem..

Printed material: Symbiosis in Animal and Plants..

Report: The Classification of Tropical Woody Vegetation-Types by J. Burtt Davy, 1938.

Printed material: A list of Kenya Grasses by A.V. Bogdan, 1951.

Printed material: Seasonal Changes in Vegetation in the North of Nigeria by P.A. Buxton, 1935.

Report: A Journey to parts of the West Indies and the United States for the Study of Soils, February to August 1938.

Map: A Provisional Soil Map of East Africa (Kenya, Uganda, Tanganyika, and Zanzibar) with explanatory memoir by G. Milne, 1936.

Printed material: Some important vegetation communities in the Central Province of Tanganyika Territory (Formerly German East Africa), 1929.

Printed material: Field notes on the species of Brachystegia and Isoberlinia of Tanganyika Territory, 1940.



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