"Artists, painters and printers"

Part of:
Arts for Health: archive
  • Archives and manuscripts

About this work


Correspondence with artists and groups enquiring about work opportunities or other information about Arts and Health. Letters often include portfolio examples of art work, CVs, photographs, invitations to exhibitions, or proposals.

Arts for Health kept artists' details on file, in order to create a database of artists and groups interested in Arts for Health, and to forward relevant individuals on to commissioners. These files maintain their original titles and names, however similar content can be found in a number of other item level records: ART/AFH/A/1/19: "Artists / Art groups"; ART/AFH/A/1/21: "Artists CVs"; ART/AFH/A/1/22: "Artists' file"; ART/AFH/A/1/23: "Artists' file"; ART/AFH/A/1/24: "Artists groups and galleries". All of these files contain a mixture of correspondence with artists and groups, CVs, and examples of art works.

Keywords: Built Environment; Hospital Design and Construction.



Physical description

1 file

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    Closed stores

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