Off-air recording: Woman's Hour on breast feeding
- Date:
- 1991
- Reference:
- SA/NCT/N/2/3/9
- Part of:
- National Childbirth Trust (NCT)
- Archives and manuscripts
About this work
Off air recording of Woman's Hour, discussing breast feeding following an article published in the Lancet, with an interview with Barbara Rowland, chair of breast feeding promotion group of NCT. Topics include: intelligence of breastfed babies, bonding and trends in feeding. The second recording is from BBC Radio 5 concerning NHS midwives compared to independent midwives, continuity of care, and home births, with Leslie Reagan (NHS consultant) and Helen Lewison (from NCT).
First off air recording took place on 5th November 1991, second is unknown.
First off air recording took place on 5th November 1991, second is unknown.
Physical description
1 audio cassette
Where to find it
Location Status Access Closed stores2084A