Correspondence regarding the 11th Annual Meeting of the Société de Chimie Physique, entitled 'L'Acide Desoxyribonucleique (ADN): Structure, Synthèse et Fonction', and held at l'Hôtel du Col de Voza, 26-30 June, 1961.
Crick acted as chairman of a session on 27 June ('Séquence et hétérogénéité chimique'). The programme indicates that Maurice Wilkins attended and gave a presentation on 26 June, and that James Watson chaired a session on 29 June. Other delegates included, amongst others, Monod, Stent, Benzer, Jacob, Kornberg, Chargaff, and Khorana.
The final piece of correspondence in the file is a letter (16 November, 1961) to Dr R Latarjet, organizer of the Meeting. Crick writes to say that he is enclosing "a preprint of a paper on our genetics work." The paper is not identified, but context and the remarks following in the letter suggest it is likely to be Crick, et al (1961), "General nature of the genetic code for proteins."
Crick's letter to Latarjet continues, raising priority: "You may recollect that I reported our basic idea in the discussion at the Col de Voza conference, though not the bit about the coding ratio being 3. At the end of the conference I handed in a short written account. Could you tell me when and where it is likely to be published? It is the only simple means I have of establishing that we had the idea before Nirenberg's astonishing discovery that poly U codes for polyphenylalanine."